## Zeroth trip: ## The "intro cutscenes" are always the same, but you can't avoid them. N. E.E.E. SE.SE.SE. N.N.N.N.N. RETR MAP. EXAM MAP. NW.NW. GET ALL. S.S.S.E. GET WATER. DROP FOOD. DROP MAP. W.S.S.S. RETR KEY. OPEN GRAT. PUT KEY. D.W. ## First trip: Bird, plant, open clam. Deposit TRID, PYRA, and EMER. ## Leave EGGS at Y2 in readiness for the scarab puzzle. GET CAGE. W.W. LIGHT LAMP. W. GET BIRD. W.D. GET AXE. D. DROP BIRD. DROP CAGE. N.D.W. D.W.W. W.W.D. WATER PLANT. U.W.U.N. KILL DRAGON. YES. N.N. GET WATER. S.S.S.D.S.D. WATER PLANT. U.E.D. GET OIL. U.W.D. CLIM BEAN. W. GET EGG. N. OIL DOOR. OPEN DOOR. DROP FLASK. N. GET TRID. W.D.SE. SE.NE.E.N. OPEN CLAM. S.U.E.U.N. DROP EGG. PLOVER. E. GET PYRA. S. PUT PYRA. GET EMER. PLOVER. STAND ON. GLUP. DROP TRID. DROP PYRA. DROP EMER. ## Second trip: Use rod. Deposit DIAM and CHEST. STAND ON. XYZZY. GET ROD. W.W.W.D.W. WAVE ROD. DROP ROD. W.W. GET DIAM. PUT DIAM. S. SE.N.S. GET ALL. N.N.N.D.E.E. STAND ON. XYZZY. DROP CHEST. DROP DIAM. ## Third trip: Deposit JEWE and GOLD. STAND ON. GLUP. GET DISC. S.S.S. GET JEWE. PUT JEWE. N.U.S. DROP DISC. GET GOLD. STAND ON. GLUP. DROP GOLD. DROP JEWE. ## Fourth trip: Deposit BAR and FIGU. ## Move disc to Oriental room. STAND ON. GLUP. GET DISC. N.D.N. GET BAR. D.W.D.W.W. E. PUT AXE. GET PILL. W.NW. DROP DISC. GET FIGU. STAND ON. GLUP. DROP PILL. DROP FIGU. DROP BAR. ## Fifth trip: Troll bridge. Deposit SPIC and CHAI. ## (You should still have the KEY in your pocket.) GET FOOD. STAND ON. GLUP. W.SW.U.NE. THROW FOOD. NE.NE.E.NE.N.E. GET SPIC. PUT SPIC. RETR KEY. W.S.S.SE.S.E. CLIM CHAI. UNLO CHAI. GET CHAI. PUT KEY. W.W.N. W.W. GET PROP. SW.SW.SW.S.SE. STAND ON. GLUP. DROP CHAI. DROP SPIC. ## Sixth trip: Recharge lamp. Deposit EGGS and SCAR. U. GET STRA. GET COIN. D. STAND ON. XYZZY. W.W.W.D. W.W.W.W.W. S.U.U.S. PLACE COIN. PLACE LAMP. GET LAMP. N.E.U.D. E.N.E.E.N.N. GET EGG. E. DIG. D.W.NW. PLACE PROP. NW. GET SCAR. PLACE EGG. SE.SE.E.U.SW. S.D.W.D.W.W.W.W.D. CLIM BEAN. W. FEE. FIE. FOE. FOO. GET EGG. N.N.W.D.SE. STAND ON. GLUP. DROP EGG. DROP SCAR. ## Seventh trip: Deposit RUG, CONC, PEAR. ## Move disc to complex junction. STAND ON. GLUP. SE.W.W.W.U.N. GET RUG. N.N.N.N.D. GET CONCH. PUT AXE. W. GET PEARL. U.U.S.W.W.NW. STAND ON. GLUP. DROP CONC. DROP PEAR. DROP RUG. ## Eighth trip: Endgame. You must be carrying the scarab! GET SCARAB. STAND ON. XYZZY. W.W.W.D. W.W.W.S.E. MAGE DEN. ====== From far away you hear a thin crackle, and a gong sounds. A sepulchral voice says "The Cave Closing mechanism has been activated. All employees to the Main Office... Will visitors please leave by the nearest exit. Thankyou." As the last echoes fade the scarab's eyes glow red and there is a blinding flash of light! When your eyes refocus you see that a door has appeared in the far wall, so you step through, hoping to find a way out... Before you stands the Patron! "My friend!" he says, "I am truly the Wizard Eru Tnevda. At last, after generations of waiting, someone has passed my test!" Some dwarves enter. They are smiling and slapping each other on the back. Then you see the troll. He twiddles his thumbs and says bashfully "No hard feelings, huh?" Behind him the dragon nods in agreement. "Only you have the ingenuity" the Wizard says, "to embark upon a yet greater quest!" and smiling, he beckons you to follow. ...But that's another story! ====== The "all alike" maze has this layout: HOM: West end of Hall of Mists PIT: Brink of pit *: Pirate's treasure SPL: Splendid chamber BEN: Bend in secret canyon which goes north and east (E. to LED; N.N. to dragon) LED: Secret east/west canyon, on a ledge (W. to BEN; D.N. to swiss cheese room) | N S E W U D NE NW SE SW HOM | 1 1 | 2 5 4 3 7 HOM BEN 4 7 LED 2 | 3 1 4 1 8 - 3 10 6 9 3 | 4 5 6 6 - - 9 3 10 7 4 | 1 7 4 6 - - 5 3 2 7 5 | 6 2 4 9 6 9 10 - 2 1 6 | 2 1 4 3 - - 10 2 11 1 7 | 8 5 10 11 - - 11 3 3 7 8 | 9 * 6 10 - - 5 7 9 5 9 | PIT 8 PIT 11 10 PIT 5 7 4 6 PIT | 7 11 6 2 PIT SPL 2 8 4 3 * | 8 - - - - - - - - - 10 | 9 5 PIT 7 4 3 8 2 10 11 11 | 1 5 2 7 - - 5 9 4 6 The "all different" maze has this layout: WLH: West end of long hall VEN: Vending machine | N S E W U D NE NW SE SW WLH | 1 1 MYLP | 2 3 4 5 2 WLH 4 6 5 6 2 YMLP | 1 4 5 6 7 6 5 2 3 4 3 MGLP | 5 2 1 1 6 4 2 4 6 5 4 GMLP | 4 7 6 6 1 3 5 5 2 2 5 LYMP | 3 4 2 2 5 6 1 2 4 7 6 LMYP | 4 5 5 2 3 2 4 1 7 6 7 LMGP | 6 VEN 4 4 2 5 6 5 2 3 VEN | 7 ====== The magazine "Sinclair User" printed a spoiler walkthru in issues #116,117,118,119. However, issue #115 doesn't seem to have printed the first part of the walkthrough at all! Weird. Also, notice the (intentional?) "typo" on the last line: "S.E." should be "SE." ==PART 2== DROP ROD. DROP GRIM. STAND ON. GLUPH. PLOVER. GET EMER. E. GET PYRA. S. PLOVER. STAND ON. GLUPH. GET DISC. S.S. DROP DISC. GET JEWE. STAND ON. GLUPH. GET DISC. N.W.W.W. DROP DISC. GET DIAM. STAND ON. GLUPH. DROP DIAM. STAND ON. GLUPH. GET DISC. W.W.S.N.U.S. RETR COIN. INSERT COIN. PLACE LAMP. GET LAMP. N.U.N.D.E.U.S.N.U.S. DROP DISC. GET CHEST. STAND ON. GLUPH. DROP CHEST. STAND ON. GLUPH. GET DISC. ==PART 3== N.N.N.D.W.D.D.N.D.W.D.E. GET SPEL. DROP SPEL. W.W.W.E. DROP DISC. GET PILL. STAND ON. GLUPH. DROP PILL. STAND ON. GLUPH. GET DISC. W.NW. DROP DISC. GET FIGU. STAND ON. GLUPH. DROP FIGU. STAND ON. GLUPH. GET DISC. N.N.N.N.D. GET CONCH. W. DROP DISC. STAND ON. GLUPH. DROP CONCH. GET FLASK. GET WATER. STAND ON. GLUPH. GET DISC. U.U.S.W.W.W.W. DROP DISC. D. WATER PLANT. U. STAND ON. GLUPH. GET WATER. STAND ON. GLUPH. D. WATER PLANT. U.E.D. GET OIL. U.W.D. ==PART 4== CLIM BEAN. W.N. OIL DOOR. S. GET EGG. E.E.U. STAND ON. GLUPH. DROP EGG. DROP FLASK. STAND ON. GLUPH. D. CLIM BEAN. W.N. OPEN DOOR. N. GET TRID. S.S.E.E.U. GET DISC. E.E.NE.E.N. OPEN CLAM. D.D. DROP DISC. GET PEARL. STAND ON. GLUPH. DROP PEARL. STAND ON. GLUPH. GET DISC. U.U.S.W.W.NW.W. DROP DISC. SW.U. GET TIMBER. WE.D. STAND ON. GLUPH. DROP PROP. GET FOOD. STAND ON. GLUPH. SW.U.NE. THROW FOOD. NE.NE.E.SE.S.E. RETR KEY. CLIM CHAI. UNLO CHAI. PUT KEY. GET CHAI. W.W.NE.N.E. GET SPIC. W.S.S.W.W.SW.SW.SW.D. STAND ON. GLUPH. GET DISC. ==PART 5== SE.SE.NE.E.U.E.U.N.E. DIG. D.W.NW. PROP ROOF. NW. DROP DISC. STAND ON. GLUPH. GET EGG. STAND ON. GLUPH. GET SCARAB. PLACE EGGS. GET DISC. SE.SE.E.U.SW.S.D.W.W.W.W. DROP DISC. D. CLIM BEAN. W. FEE. FIE. FOE. FOO. GET EGG. E.E.U. STAND ON. GLUPH. DROP EGG. STAND ON. GLUPH. GET DISC. E.E.NE.E.U.E.U.S.U.W.W.W.S.N.U.S.N.SW.W.S.E. MAGE DEN