Name lookup in multiple base classes

Several times people have asked me, “Why does overload resolution not work if the overload set spans two base classes?” That is:

struct Plant {
  void f(int);
struct Fungus {
  void f(int, int);
struct Lichen : Plant, Fungus {
  void g() {
    f(1);     // error, lookup fails
    f(1, 2);  // error, lookup fails

This is because [class.member.lookup] says, essentially, that if we don’t find a declaration of the name f in Lichen’s scope then we should look into its base classes; and if we find declarations of f in more than one base class, we should consider this an unresolvable ambiguity and fail.

In my training materials I always motivate this behavior by using functions that take strings:

struct OldSchoolPlant {
  void f(const char *);
  void f(const std::string&);

OldSchoolPlant uses the pre-C++17 idiom for efficiently taking a string parameter: If the caller passes a std::string, overload resolution will select f(const std::string&), which efficiently takes only a reference to their existing string object. If the caller passes something convertible to string, we’ll end up constructing a temporary string object and taking a reference to that. But, if the caller passes a string literal, overload resolution will prefer f(const char*), which avoids constructing a temporary string at all.

In C++17 and later, we can use string_view instead:

struct NewSchoolFungus {
  void f(std::string_view);

Now, no matter what kind of argument the caller passes, we never make a temporary string. We just convert the argument to string_view (a trivially copyable, reference-semantic, parameter-only type). We no longer need two overloads.

Suppose MixedLichen inherits from both OldSchoolPlant and NewSchoolFungus (Godbolt):

struct MixedLichen : OldSchoolPlant, NewSchoolFungus {
  void g(const std::string& s) {

Here we don’t want to mash together the overload sets of OldSchoolPlant::f and NewSchoolFungus::f. They were designed individually, using totally different paradigms (pre-C++17 and post-C++17). They weren’t designed to play together! To say it another way: It would be bad if the well-formedness of the above calls to f depended on such “internal details” of OldSchoolPlant and NewSchoolFungus as whether they were written in pre-C++17 or post-C++17 style.

To say it yet another way: The unit of C++ API design is the overload set. (Titus Winters, “Modern C++ API Design,” CppCon 2018.) When we update something like OldSchoolPlant::f from pre-C++17 to post-C++17 style, we’re refactoring a whole overload set, not just a single function. The only sensible way to refactor an API is to refactor a whole overload set at a time. If C++ were habitually to mash multiple widely dispersed overload sets into one, that would, by definition, increase coupling and hamper refactoring. Which is bad.

This is why library maintainers tend to hate ADL: indispensable as it may be, its entire purpose is to mash together widely dispersed overload sets. See “What is ADL?” (2019-04-26); “How hana::type<T> disables ADL” (2019-04-09).

Good news — C++’s name lookup rules do not mash together the overload sets of OldSchoolPlant::f and NewSchoolFungus::f! When we do name lookup in a class, if we find member declarations in more than one of its base classes, we consider it an unresolvable ambiguity and fail.

This ambiguity and failure happens during name lookup, which means it happens before any part of overload resolution. In particular, going back to our original example, the lookup for f in Lichen will find both Plant::f(int) and Fungus::f(int, int). These two functions have different arities (numbers of arguments) — but arity plays a role only in overload resolution, not in name lookup; and since lookup fails, we never get to the overload resolution step.

During name lookup, by definition, we don’t yet know what kind of entity the name refers to; so we don’t yet know if it even is a function! So its “number of arguments” can’t form part of our calculation. Again, ADL breaks the rules by looking at the argument list; but ADL happens only after ordinary lookup, and only if ordinary lookup did find a non-member function or function template, so that we can be sure we’re dealing with a function and its arguments. See “To enable ADL, add a using-declaration” (2022-04-30).

In short, mashing together unrelated overload sets is usually a bad thing; and therefore the rules of C++ are generally designed not to do it.

What if I want to mash together my bases’ overload sets?

You have at least two options. One is to use member using-declarations to bring each base’s name into your own class’s scope (Godbolt):

struct Plant {
  void f(int);
struct Fungus {
  void f(int, int);
struct Lichen : Plant, Fungus {
  using Plant::f;
  using Fungus::f;
  void g() {
    f(1);     // OK, finds Plant::f(int) in Lichen's scope
    f(1, 2);  // OK, finds Fungus::f(int, int) in Lichen's scope

Now name lookup doesn’t look into the base classes at all, because it finds declarations of f right here inside Lichen. The original declarations in Plant and Fungus are shadowed by our manual using-declarations.

If you’re doing this a lot, such that it hurts, you could hide the repetitive using-declarations behind a helper template (Godbolt):

template<class... Ts>
struct FHelper : Ts... {
  using Ts::f...;

struct Lichen : FHelper<Plant, Fungus> {
  void g() {
    f(1);     // OK, finds Plant::f(int) in FHelper's scope
    f(1, 2);  // OK, finds Fungus::f(int, int) in FHelper's scope

A crazier option (which I mention because it’s interesting; it’s not a good idea) is to use ADL — the core-language feature whose entire purpose is to mash together widely dispersed overload sets. (Godbolt.)

namespace detail { void adl_f() = delete; }
struct Plant {
  friend void adl_f(Plant*, int);
struct Fungus {
  friend void adl_f(Fungus*, int, int);
struct Lichen : Plant, Fungus {
  void g() {
    using detail::adl_f;
    adl_f(this, 1);     // OK, ADL finds Plant's adl_f
    adl_f(this, 1, 2);  // OK, ADL finds Fungus's adl_f

This last was basically the shape of the formerly proposed “tag_invoke,” for which see Barry Revzin’s “Why tag_invoke is not the solution I want” (December 2020). After that blog post, tag_invoke was merged into the only paper that cared about it, P2300 “std::execution” (a.k.a. Senders and Receivers), and has at last been excised completely from P2300R9 (April 2024).

Posted 2024-04-17