Trivially Relocatable versus Destructive Movable

I presented P1144 “Object relocation in terms of move plus destroy” at the SG14 working meeting on 2018-09-26. I was also pleasantly surprised by the number of shout-outs the idea received at CppCon in general — including in Mark Elendt’s keynote. (The specific shout-out to “std::trivially_relocatable in the pipeline” is at 42m00s. I did talk with Mark later on and point out that “in the pipeline” is an extremely generous way to describe the situation!)

This evening I had a very productive conversation with Pablo Halpern, in which I learned that my P1144 is not actually as close to Pablo’s N4158 “Destructive Move rev. 1” (October 2014) as I had been thinking and saying — and I believe Pablo learned that he had been similarly misinterpreting P1144! Our papers actually have a significant theoretical difference.

The major major difference between N4158 and P1144 comes down to this question:

Can I define my own “relocation” operation, to be used by vector::resize and so on, which is not quite memcpy but also more efficient than move-plus-destroy?

My P1144 says, definitively, no.

Pablo Halpern’s N4158 says, definitively, yes.

N4158 proposes that there should be an ADL customization point which Pablo named uninitialized_destructive_move(T *from, T *to) (but whose natural name in P1144-land would be simply relocate). Any user could overload uninitialized_destructive_move for their own type. Pablo’s N4158 strongly implies that vector::resize et cetera would be respecified to call this customization point.

For example, consider a class using something like the PIMPL idiom, with the class invariants that pimpl is never null and pimpl->me is always this, even for a moved-from object:

namespace My {

struct BlobImpl {
    Blob *me;
    explicit BlobImpl(Blob *me) : me(me) {}

struct Blob {
    std::unique_ptr<BlobImpl> pimpl;

    explicit Blob() {
        pimpl = std::make_unique<BlobImpl>(this);
    Blob(Blob&& rhs) : pimpl(std::move(rhs.pimpl)) {
        pimpl->me = this;
        rhs.pimpl = std::make_unique<BlobImpl>(&rhs);
    Blob(const Blob&);  // expensive
    ~Blob() = default;

} // namespace My

Pablo’s N4158 would have allowed the user to provide an ADL overload of uninitialized_destructive_move, like this:

struct Blob {
    std::unique_ptr<BlobImpl> pimpl;

    explicit Blob() {
        pimpl = std::make_unique<BlobImpl>(this);
    Blob(Blob&& rhs) : pimpl(std::move(rhs.pimpl)) {
        pimpl->me = this;
        rhs.pimpl = std::make_unique<BlobImpl>(&rhs);
    Blob(const Blob&);  // expensive
    ~Blob() = default;

    friend void uninitialized_destructive_move(Blob *from, Blob *to) noexcept {
        ::new (to) Blob(from, Blob::DestructiveMoveTag{});
    struct DestructiveMoveTag {};
    explicit Blob(Blob *rhs, DestructiveMoveTag) noexcept :
        pimpl->me = this;

Under N4158, trivial destructive-movability was an orthogonal concern; in the absence of attributes, Pablo proposed that maybe the user could just specialize std::is_trivially_destructive_movable themselves. So then the library would provide a fallback std::uninitialized_destructive_move just like it provides a fallback std::swap today:

namespace std {

template<class T> void uninitialized_destructive_move(T *from, T *to) {
    if constexpr (std::is_trivially_destructive_movable_v<T>) {
        // magic, tantamount to memcpy
    } else {
        ::new (to) T(std::move(*from));

} // namespace std

And vector::resize would do something like this:

if constexpr (std::is_nothrow_destructive_movable_v<T>) {
    for (size_t i = 0; i < size_; ++i) {
        using std::uninitialized_destructive_move;
        uninitialized_destructive_move(olddata_ + i, newdata_ + i);
} else ...

Notice all the details above: the fact that vector can use uninitialized_destructive_move only when it is nothrow; the fact that it still has to be used in a loop; my complete ignoring of allocator-awareness concerns (which in fairness are not hard to solve); and the low but non-zero potential for foot-shooting. Bottom line, this sounds utterly complicated!

However, N4158’s customization-point approach does have a tangible benefit in one case. Observe that

static_assert(not std::is_nothrow_default_constructible_v<Blob>);
static_assert(not std::is_nothrow_move_constructible_v<Blob>);  // !!
static_assert(std::is_nothrow_destructive_movable_v<Blob>);  // N4158

The line marked // !! implies that by the definition in previous drafts of P1144,

static_assert(not std::is_nothrow_relocatable_v<Blob>);

But in fact the human programmer does know how to relocate a Blob in a noexcept manner! P1144 doesn’t provide any mechanism to share that information with vector::resize.

Under P1144, vector::resize will merely see that Blob is non-nothrow-move-constructible and fall back to the expensive copy constructor.

Under Pablo’s N4158, vector::resize would have used the fast nothrow ADL overload of uninitialized_destructive_move rather than the expensive copy constructor.

I believe that this particular part of N4158 is orthogonal to P1144’s concept of “trivial” relocatability, and theoretically could be added later (as a pure library extension) if the committee wanted it. I’m even ambivalent now as to whether I should remove the trait is_nothrow_relocatable_v from my proposal.

But one thing I know is that calling an ADL uninitialized_destructive_move (or an ADL relocate) in a loop will never give optimal codegen for the trivial case. The implementor of std::vector or folly::FBVector must be given permission to use memcpy on a whole range of trivially relocatable objects — no loop, no constructor calls, just a single simple call to the library memcpy. As Mark Elendt’s keynote session quite visibly showed, that’s what they’re already doing today.

Posted 2018-09-28