What is Type Erasure?

I love type erasure in C++. But I find every so often I’ll be in a conversation with someone, and they’ll use the phrase, and they won’t mean quite the same thing as I mean, and it’ll take a while before we realize that we’re talking about completely different ideas. So I think it’ll be useful to write down what I mean by the phrase “type erasure” in C++.

C++ type erasure is not Java type erasure

First of all, in some languages, such as Java, “type erasure” means something completely different. In Java, it means the procedure applied by the compiler when you write a “generic” function — which looks deceptively similar to a C++ template, but is not a template!

public static <T> T find(T[] anArray, T elem) {
    for (T e : anArray) {
        if (e.equals(elem)) {
            return e;
    return null;

The intent is that you could call find(someShapes, myShape) or find(someAnimals, myCat). The compiler makes those calls work.

In C++, it would make them work by deducing what T is for each call, then stamping out specialized versions of find<Shape> and find<Animal> (or actually, C++ would fail to deduce T in that second case).

But in Java, the compiler actually emits code for a single version of find right away! That single version is implemented in terms of Java’s root object type Object. In C++ terms, the compiler emits code for find<Object> — exactly as if you had originally written

public static Object find(Object[] anArray, Object elem) {
    for (Object e : anArray) {
        if (e.equals(elem)) {
            return e;
    return null;

Then, at each call-site, the compiler “remembers” the original signature of count and tries to match up the parameters in a sensible way. For example:

Shape s = find(someShapes, myCircle);

Assuming that Circle inherits from Shape, the most-constrained value of T that could work for this call is T=Shape. Therefore the compiler emits “un-erasing” code at the call-site, exactly as if you’d originally written

Shape s = (Shape) find<Object>( (Object[])someShapes, (Object)myCircle );

(find<Object> is not real Java code, by the way. Java has no syntax to refer to “a particular specialization” of a generic method, because generic methods cannot be specialized. In Java, find<Object> is the only version of find, and so having a special syntax to refer to it would be redundant.)

UPDATE: Thanks to Reddit commenter jonathansharman, I now know that Java does have a syntactic feature called type witnesses which allows you to write calls like Foo.<Object>find(someShapes, myCircle) and Foo.<Shape>find(someShapes, myCircle). The type in angle brackets overrides the compiler’s normal deduction of T — which doesn’t really affect anything except for the call’s return type. You can’t “call a different specialization” this way, because there’s still only one version of find being codegenned.

Anyway, my original point was: In the Java world, the process of replacing all the Ts in a generic method (or generic class) with Objects is referred to as “type erasure.” But this process does not happen in the C++ world, and so it’s definitely not what I mean when I talk about type erasure in C++!

By “type erasure,” I do not mean classical polymorphism

Typically when we get our wires crossed in conversation about type erasure, it’s because the other person is using “type erasure” to mean plain old classical polymorphism — which I might sometimes call “OOP,” with the same colloquial imprecision that leads me to call the standard library the “STL.”

Using classical polymorphism, we can do manually in C++ exactly what Java’s type erasure did behind the scenes. Let’s take a simpler example, though, for pedagogical reasons:

template<class T>
int run_twice(T callback) {
    return callback(1) + callback(1);

int y = run_twice([](int x) { return x+1; });
assert(y == 4);

And here’s where we might end up:

struct AbstractCallback {
    int operator()(int x) const { return call(x); }
    virtual int call(int) const = 0;
struct Plus1Callback : AbstractCallback {
    int call(int x) const override { return x+1; }

int run_twice(const AbstractCallback& callback) {
    return callback(1) + callback(1);

Plus1Callback cb;
int y = run_twice(cb);
assert(y == 4);

Notice that we have to add Java’s invisible level of pointer-indirection at the same time that we add our classically polymorphic object hierarchy. We get the indirection practically for free in this case; we just have to pass callback by reference instead of by value, which is a good idea regardless. However, it does mean that someone besides us must take responsibility for the callback’s lifetime.

We also have to consider everything that the algorithm might want to do with a AbstractCallback — the affordances that an object must have to be useable by our run_twice algorithm — and expose them via instance methods on AbstractCallback. In this carefully selected case, the only affordance needed is int call(int). Our algorithm doesn’t even need to destroy objects of type AbstractCallback, so we can get away without a virtual destructor (although in practice you’d probably add one anyway).

If we were implementing the find algorithm via this classical-type-hierarchy route, we’d need to compare objects for equality, and therefore our base class would need to expose a pure virtual equals method (just like our original Java example).

But all this is not what I mean when I say “type erasure.”

To me, this is just classical polymorphism. (I might add “…run amok.”) There is no single recognizable design pattern happening here which I would dignify by the name “type erasure.” In particular, in C++ terms, there is no type being “erased” here! We simply have a concrete type hierarchy, and we’re using the static type system. Whatever I pass in as the callback parameter, it must BE-AN AbstractCallback in the classical OOP sense. I can’t pass in anything whose concrete type doesn’t inherit publicly and unambiguously from AbstractCallback. There is a hard requirement on my callback’s static type. In my book that isn’t a “type-erased” API!

I mean ad-hoc dynamic polymorphism

When I talk about “type erasure” in C++, I’m talking about the pattern shown below:

struct Callback {
    template<class T> Callback(T);
    int operator()(int) const;

int run_twice(const Callback& callback) {
    return callback(1) + callback(1);

int y = run_twice([](int x) { return x+1; });
assert(y == 4);

I haven’t shown the implementation of Callback yet, but the important thing is that it’s got

  • a templated constructor and

  • a completely non-virtual interface.

It could even be marked final, theoretically. We’re never going to inherit from it. Meanwhile, the definition of run_twice looks exactly like our original template definition, except that it no longer has the template<class T> part.

C++ programmers should recognize this pattern as the pattern used by std::function in the standard library. It’s also used by C++17’s std::any, and in a few other obscure places.

So how do you implement the guts of Callback at the library level? Well…

Go calls them “interfaces”

What C++ calls “type erasure” is very similar to what the Go language calls “interfaces.” (Disclaimer: I am not a Go programmer.) In Go, you’d have something like this:

type Plus1 struct {}

func (d Plus1) call(x int) int {
    return x + 1

type Callback interface {
    call(int) int

func run_twice(callback Callback) int {
    return callback.call(1) + callback.call(1)

func main() {

Notice that there is no explicit relationship between the Callback interface and the concrete class Plus1. The implementor of Plus1 doesn’t even need to know that the Callback interface exists! (Well, okay, they kind of do need to know the detailed requirements of the interface, but at least they don’t have to be able to spell its name.)

The Go compiler looks at the call-site where we pass a Plus1 object to a function expecting a Callback interface. It looks at the interface definition to see what member functions need to be available on a Callback. It statically verifies that those methods are present on Plus1. And then it creates a vtable, just like the one inside the derived class Plus1Callback. In fact, we could say that the compiler creates the Plus1Callback class on the fly, without being explicitly asked! It bundles up a pointer to the original Plus1 object with a pointer to that custom “Plus1Callback” vtable, and passes that whole bundle to run_twice. It’s as if in C++ you wrote

struct Plus1 {
    int call(int x) const { return x+1; }

struct AbstractCallback {
    virtual int call(int) const = 0;

template<class T>
struct WrappingCallback : AbstractCallback {
    const T *cb_;
    explicit WrappingCallback(const T &cb) : cb_(&cb) {}
    int call(int x) const override { return cb_->call(x); }

int run_twice(const AbstractCallback& callback) {
    return callback.call(1) + callback.call(1);

int main() {
    printf("%d\n", run_twice(WrappingCallback<Plus1>(Plus1{})));

This is a zero-overhead, zero-heap-allocation way of wrapping a reference to the Plus1 object so that it can be used by run_twice exactly as if it were classically derived from Callback. However, notice that the Plus1 object’s lifetime is not owned by the WrappingCallback<Plus1> object; what we have here is functionally equivalent to a non-owning function_ref.

Taking ownership

If we want to express taking ownership of the controlled object, we need to move the object into a region of storage where we can control its lifetime via explicit delete or placement-destruction syntax. That is, we need to make a copy of the original Plus1 object either on the heap or in a small buffer optimization (SBO) buffer whose storage we control. The by-far easiest way to do that is to heap-allocate our WrappingCallback, like this:

struct Plus1 {
    int call(int x) const { return x+1; }

struct AbstractCallback {
    virtual int call(int) const = 0;
    virtual ~AbstractCallback() = default;

template<class T>
struct WrappingCallback : AbstractCallback {
    T cb_;
    explicit WrappingCallback(T &&cb) : cb_(std::move(cb)) {}
    int call(int x) const override { return cb_(x); }

struct Callback {
    std::unique_ptr<AbstractCallback> ptr_;

    template<class T>
    Callback(T t) {
        ptr_ = std::make_unique<WrappingCallback<T>>(std::move(t));
    int operator()(int x) const {
        return ptr_->call(x);

int run_twice(const Callback& callback) {
    return callback(1) + callback(1);

int main() {
    int y = run_twice([](int x) { return x+1; });
    assert(y == 4);

The small buffer optimization (SBO) is out of scope for this blog post. I do cover it in my “STL From Scratch” training course, which I’ve given at the past two CppCons and may be giving again this coming September. I’m also available for corporate C++ training, especially if you’re in the New York area!

Notice that the Callback type we built here is not copyable, because it contains a unique_ptr. If you want to make a copy of a Callback, you must be able to make a copy of the AbstractCallback it points to, which means that AbstractCallback must “know” how it behaves when copied, the same way it currently “knows” how it behaves when called (via its virtual call method) and when destroyed (via its virtual destructor).

When you implement type erasure (in C++ or even in Go), it always starts with making a list of the things you want to be able to do with your type-erased object — call it, destroy it, copy it, and so on. Don Norman, in the book The Design of Everyday Things (1988), calls this a list of affordances. A std::function affords copying and calling. A std::any affords copying, but not calling. A unique_function affords calling and moving, but not copying.

Some of the non-virtual interface might not require talking to T. For example, a function_ref itself does afford copying — I can make a copy of a function_ref — but its copy constructor just copies a pointer; it doesn’t need to copy the underlying T and therefore the underlying T does not need to afford copying. When you make your list, make sure you indicate whether each entry is an affordance that Whatever provides, or an affordance that it requires of the underlying T. In general these will be the same thing, but function_ref is the exception that proves the rule.

Each affordance in your list turns into a virtual member function of AbstractWhatever, which will be overridden by WrappingWhatever<T> appropriately for T. Finally, the top-level Whatever will store a unique_ptr<AbstractWhatever> ptr_ (and/or an SBO buffer), and provide a clean non-virtual interface implemented completely in terms of calling virtual member functions on *ptr_.

In this way you can write a type-erased wrapper for any Whatever whatever — callbacks, counters, output streams, input generators.

Type erasure usually deals with unary behaviors

Notice that all my examples involve behaviors. This should make sense, intuitively, since behavior is the thing that’s hard to boil down into a fixed representation. Data, by definition, is easy to boil down into a fixed representation. There’s no need for us to invent a type-erased Boolean type, because we could just use bool.

Hypothetically, I suppose I could imagine a use-case for

struct Number {
    std::unique_ptr<AbstractNumber> ptr_;
    template<class T> Number(T t) : ptr_(std::make_unique<WrappingNumber<T>>(std::move(t)) {}
    Number(const Number& n) { ptr_ = n.ptr_->clone(); }
    Number(Number&& n) = default;
    explicit operator bool() const { return !ptr_->iszero(); }
    Number operator-() const { auto r = *this; r.ptr_->negate(); return r; }
    Number& operator++() { ptr_->inc(); return *this; }
    Number operator++(int) { auto r = *this; ptr_->inc(); return r; }
    Number& operator--() { ptr_->dec(); return *this; }
    Number operator--(int) { auto r = *this; ptr_->dec(); return r; }

However, notice that almost all its operations are phrased as mutative, imperative behaviors (“clone”, “negate”, “increment”, “decrement”), and all of its operations are unary. It is easy to dispatch decisions about unary behaviors to a single T; it’s very difficult to multiply dispatch decisions about binary behaviors (such as operator+=) to both T and U, when WrappingNumber<T> doesn’t know anything about U and WrappingNumber<U> doesn’t know anything about T.


When I say “type erasure” in C++, I mean more than just a base class with a classical polymorphic interface. I mean a non-virtual interface which encapsulates and hides the polymorphism from the end-user, and allows them to use “duck typing” without bothering to inherit from any library class. (This can allow several libraries to interoperate seamlessly, even if they don’t know about each other’s code.)

Naïve type erasure, using heap allocation, is very easy to implement. You start by writing down a list of affordances that your T must have; you turn each affordance into a virtual method on AbstractWhatever; and then you wrap up a pointer to an AbstractWhatever inside your type-erased Whatever class.

Type erasure does well with unary behaviors such as ++whatever. It doesn’t do well with multiple dispatches such as whatever + whatever.

Type erasure can be useful at ABI boundaries where you can’t use templates. (The piece that’s templated on T is the constructor, which happens on the caller’s side; the object that passes across the ABI boundary is of the concrete, type-erased type Whatever.)

Every “non-beginner” C++ programmer should know how to write a simple type-erased type!

Posted 2019-03-18