OpenSSL client and server from scratch, part 2

This is a continuation of yesterday’s post, “OpenSSL client and server from scratch, part 1.” Today we’ll be building a trivial little HTTP server.

BIO chains, pushing and popping

Yesterday we talked about how BIOs come in two flavors: “filter BIOs” and “source/sink BIOs.” A “BIO chain” consists of a source/sink BIO preceded by zero or more filter BIOs. When we have a BIO chain, we work exclusively with the BIO on the front of the chain. That BIO talks to its “next” BIO, which talks to its next BIO, and so on, all the way down to the source (and/or sink). Think of the first BIO in a chain as the “top” BIO in a stack of BIOs.

OpenSSL manipulates this stack of BIOs using the aptly named macros BIO_push and BIO_pop. Unfortunately, the documentation is again just awful:

BIO *BIO_push(BIO *b, BIO *append);
BIO *BIO_pop(BIO *b);

The BIO_push() function appends the BIO append to b, it returns b. BIO_pop() removes the BIO b from a chain and returns the next BIO in the chain, or NULL if there is no next BIO. The removed BIO then becomes a single BIO with no association with the original chain.

To clarify the semantics, let’s overload a Ranges-style operator|.

my::UniquePtr<BIO> operator|(my::UniquePtr<BIO> lower,
                             my::UniquePtr<BIO> upper)
    BIO_push(upper.get(), lower.release());
    return upper;

Now we can write something like the following, and it has the “obvious” meaning: take the socket BIO we started with, and filter it through an SSL filter BIO.

auto bio = my::UniquePtr<BIO>(BIO_new_connect(""));
if (BIO_do_connect(bio.get()) <= 0) {
    my::print_errors_and_exit("Error in BIO_do_connect");
bio = std::move(bio) | my::UniquePtr<BIO>(BIO_new_ssl(ctx.get(), 1));

After the assignment on the last line above, bio points to an SSL filter BIO, and the SSL filter BIO’s “next BIO” is the source/sink BIO talking TCP to Anything we BIO_read or BIO_write into bio will be encrypted with TLS and then passed along to (Very much handwaving here. The point is that we have a BIO chain, and the front of the chain is the SSL filter BIO.)

But we’re not going to talk about TLS yet. Let’s talk about BIO_pop first.

BIO_s_accept’s weird relationship with BIO_pop

When we wrote our HTTP client in part 1, we used BIO_new_connect to create a client connection to a remote server. Now that we’re writing an HTTP server, we’ll use BIO_new_accept to create a… well, not to create a connection serving a remote client. We don’t want to create just one connection. We want a factory that listens on a dedicated port and repeatedly creates connections from remote clients.

The way OpenSSL does this is kind of wacky. You and I know that a factory for creating connections is not itself a connection. But in OpenSSL’s world, both of these things are represented as BIO objects. We have an “accept BIO” that represents a factory. We call the function BIO_do_accept(accept_bio) on this factory. It blocks until a client tries to connect to the server, and then it produces a new socket BIO to represent that connection — and the way it “produces” the new BIO is surprising! After a successful call to BIO_do_accept(accept_bio), you’ll find that a brand-new socket BIO has been inserted right behind accept_bio in its BIO chain. (The BIO chain of an accept BIO should never have multiple BIOs in it.)

So when we wrap this weird factory API in a semi-sensible C++ function, we end up with something like this:

my::UniquePtr<BIO> accept_new_tcp_connection(BIO *accept_bio)
    if (BIO_do_accept(accept_bio) <= 0) {
        return nullptr;
    return my::UniquePtr<BIO>(BIO_pop(accept_bio));

int main()
    auto accept_bio = my::UniquePtr<BIO>(BIO_new_accept("8080"));
    if (BIO_do_accept(accept_bio.get()) <= 0) {
        my::print_errors_and_exit("Error in BIO_do_accept (binding to port 8080)");

    while (auto bio = my::accept_new_tcp_connection(accept_bio.get())) {
        try {
            std::string request = my::receive_http_message(bio.get());
            printf("Got request:\n");
            printf("%s\n", request.c_str());
            my::send_http_response(bio.get(), "okay cool\n");
        } catch (const std::exception& ex) {
            printf("Worker exited with exception:\n%s\n", ex.what());

Notice that we make two calls to BIO_do_accept, not just one call! The reason for this is that all three of BIO_do_accept, BIO_do_connect, and BIO_do_handshake are simple macro synonyms for BIO_ctrl(b, BIO_C_DO_STATE_MACHINE, 0, NULL). Accept, connect, and SSL BIOs are state machines, and the behavior of BIO_do_accept (or BIO_do_handshake) depends on the current state of the state machine. If the accept BIO has not yet bound to a port, then BIO_do_accept will bind (but not block yet). Once it’s bound to a port, a second call to BIO_do_accept will listen on that port (blocking until a connection comes in, or until the socket is closed).

Also notice that accept_new_tcp_connection(BIO *accept_bio) takes a raw BIO*. In this series of posts, we consistently use smart pointers to represent and transfer ownership. So, when you see a raw pointer like this, you should immediately infer that ownership of the original accept_bio is not being transferred here. We don’t care who owns the accept BIO; we manipulate it but do not participate in its ownership. On the other hand, you can tell from the return type my::UniquePtr<BIO> that we are transferring ownership of the newly created socket BIO back to our caller — ownership of the new socket BIO becomes the caller’s responsibility.

The only remaining piece of our toy HTTP server is my::send_http_response, which is just about as trivial as my::send_http_request from yesterday’s post.

void send_http_response(BIO *bio, const std::string& body)
    std::string response = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n";
    response += "Content-Length: " + std::to_string(body.size()) + "\r\n";
    response += "\r\n";

    BIO_write(bio,, response.size());
    BIO_write(bio,, body.size());

Cleanly shutting down the server

Notice that our server’s main loop runs until accept_new_tcp_connection returns null, which it never does under normal circumstances. If you Ctrl-C the server, it exits suddenly without any chance for custom cleanup. I don’t really know the best way to deal with this, but one way that seems to work for me in practice is to set up a SIGINT handler. When you hit Ctrl-C, it generates a SIGINT signal; our SIGINT handler closes the accept BIO’s socket; the accept BIO notices this and returns null from BIO_do_accept; and then we can go on and take appropriate action. Here’s what our main() looks like if we do that:

int main()
    auto accept_bio = my::UniquePtr<BIO>(BIO_new_accept("8080"));
    if (BIO_do_accept(accept_bio.get()) <= 0) {
        my::print_errors_and_exit("Error in BIO_do_accept (binding to port 8080)");

    static auto shutdown_the_socket = [fd = BIO_get_fd(accept_bio.get(), nullptr)]() {
    signal(SIGINT, [](int) { shutdown_the_socket(); });

    while (auto bio = my::accept_new_tcp_connection(accept_bio.get())) {
        try {
            std::string request = my::receive_http_message(bio.get());
            printf("Got request:\n");
            printf("%s\n", request.c_str());
            my::send_http_response(bio.get(), "okay cool\n");
        } catch (const std::exception& ex) {
            printf("Worker exited with exception:\n%s\n", ex.what());
    printf("\nClean exit!\n");

Notice how our signal handler is a captureless lambda (which, being captureless, decays to the function pointer expected by signal). So how can it refer to the local variable shutdown_the_socket? Easy: shutdown_the_socket is a variable with static lifetime, so we don’t need to capture a copy of it — we can refer to it from within a captureless lambda just as easily as we can refer to a global variable or a free function. (If you’ve seen my “Lambdas from Scratch” talk, you’ll recognize this as a version of the kitten/cat puzzle.)

Again, I don’t claim that this is a good way for a long-running server to handle shutdown, but it works well enough for my slideware.

See the list of signal-safe functions here: man signal-safety.

Putting it all together

Here is the complete code for our very simple C++14 HTTP server. When you compile and run this code with OpenSSL 1.1.0+, it should run forever (or until you kill it), listening on port 8080 for unencrypted HTTP requests. It responds blindly to every request with okay cool\n.

You can test this code by using the very simple HTTP client from yesterday’s post; you just have to change the first line of that client’s main() from

auto bio = my::UniquePtr<BIO>(BIO_new_connect(""));


auto bio = my::UniquePtr<BIO>(BIO_new_connect("localhost:8080"));

Another way to test the server program is to use the command-line utility curl:

$ curl http://localhost:8080/
okay cool

Godbolt Compiler Explorer doesn’t support running programs that do networking, but you can see the code on Godbolt here anyway.

// g++ -std=c++14 http-server.cpp $(pkg-config --cflags --libs openssl) -o http-server
#include <memory>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <string>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <vector>

#include <openssl/bio.h>
#include <openssl/err.h>

namespace my {

template<class T> struct DeleterOf;
template<> struct DeleterOf<BIO> { void operator()(BIO *p) const { BIO_free_all(p); } };
template<> struct DeleterOf<BIO_METHOD> { void operator()(BIO_METHOD *p) const { BIO_meth_free(p); } };

template<class OpenSSLType>
using UniquePtr = std::unique_ptr<OpenSSLType, DeleterOf<OpenSSLType>>;

class StringBIO {
    std::string str_;
    my::UniquePtr<BIO_METHOD> methods_;
    my::UniquePtr<BIO> bio_;
    StringBIO(StringBIO&&) = delete;
    StringBIO& operator=(StringBIO&&) = delete;

    explicit StringBIO() {
        methods_.reset(BIO_meth_new(BIO_TYPE_SOURCE_SINK, "StringBIO"));
        if (methods_ == nullptr) {
            throw std::runtime_error("StringBIO: error in BIO_meth_new");
        BIO_meth_set_write(methods_.get(), [](BIO *bio, const char *data, int len) -> int {
            std::string *str = reinterpret_cast<std::string*>(BIO_get_data(bio));
            str->append(data, len);
            return len;
        if (bio_ == nullptr) {
            throw std::runtime_error("StringBIO: error in BIO_new");
        BIO_set_data(bio_.get(), &str_);
        BIO_set_init(bio_.get(), 1);
    BIO *bio() { return bio_.get(); }
    std::string str() && { return std::move(str_); }

[[noreturn]] void print_errors_and_exit(const char *message)
    fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", message);

[[noreturn]] void print_errors_and_throw(const char *message)
    my::StringBIO bio;
    throw std::runtime_error(std::string(message) + "\n" + std::move(bio).str());

std::string receive_some_data(BIO *bio)
    char buffer[1024];
    int len = BIO_read(bio, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
    if (len < 0) {
        my::print_errors_and_throw("error in BIO_read");
    } else if (len > 0) {
        return std::string(buffer, len);
    } else if (BIO_should_retry(bio)) {
        return receive_some_data(bio);
    } else {
        my::print_errors_and_throw("empty BIO_read");

std::vector<std::string> split_headers(const std::string& text)
    std::vector<std::string> lines;
    const char *start = text.c_str();
    while (const char *end = strstr(start, "\r\n")) {
        lines.push_back(std::string(start, end));
        start = end + 2;
    return lines;

std::string receive_http_message(BIO *bio)
    std::string headers = my::receive_some_data(bio);
    char *end_of_headers = strstr(&headers[0], "\r\n\r\n");
    while (end_of_headers == nullptr) {
        headers += my::receive_some_data(bio);
        end_of_headers = strstr(&headers[0], "\r\n\r\n");
    std::string body = std::string(end_of_headers+4, &headers[headers.size()]);
    headers.resize(end_of_headers+2 - &headers[0]);
    size_t content_length = 0;
    for (const std::string& line : my::split_headers(headers)) {
        if (const char *colon = strchr(line.c_str(), ':')) {
            auto header_name = std::string(&line[0], colon);
            if (header_name == "Content-Length") {
                content_length = std::stoul(colon+1);
    while (body.size() < content_length) {
        body += my::receive_some_data(bio);
    return headers + "\r\n" + body;

void send_http_response(BIO *bio, const std::string& body)
    std::string response = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n";
    response += "Content-Length: " + std::to_string(body.size()) + "\r\n";
    response += "\r\n";

    BIO_write(bio,, response.size());
    BIO_write(bio,, body.size());

my::UniquePtr<BIO> accept_new_tcp_connection(BIO *accept_bio)
    if (BIO_do_accept(accept_bio) <= 0) {
        return nullptr;
    return my::UniquePtr<BIO>(BIO_pop(accept_bio));

} // namespace my

int main()
    auto accept_bio = my::UniquePtr<BIO>(BIO_new_accept("8080"));
    if (BIO_do_accept(accept_bio.get()) <= 0) {
        my::print_errors_and_exit("Error in BIO_do_accept (binding to port 8080)");

    static auto shutdown_the_socket = [fd = BIO_get_fd(accept_bio.get(), nullptr)]() {
    signal(SIGINT, [](int) { shutdown_the_socket(); });

    while (auto bio = my::accept_new_tcp_connection(accept_bio.get())) {
        try {
            std::string request = my::receive_http_message(bio.get());
            printf("Got request:\n");
            printf("%s\n", request.c_str());
            my::send_http_response(bio.get(), "okay cool\n");
        } catch (const std::exception& ex) {
            printf("Worker exited with exception:\n%s\n", ex.what());
    printf("\nClean exit!\n");

This series continues with “OpenSSL client and server from scratch, part 3.”

Posted 2020-01-25