An example of the Barton–Nackman trick

I still need to write the blog post explaining “What is the Hidden Friend Idiom?”; but for now, here’s a practical demonstration of its usefulness that just came up on the cpplang Slack (thanks, Johan Lundberg!).

Consider this pair of class templates Cat<T> and Dog<T>. Cat is analogous to the STL’s container templates, which define operator< (or in C++20, operator<=>) as a free function template.

template<class V>
struct Cat {
    V value_;

template<class V>
bool operator<(const Cat<V>& a, const Cat<V>& b) {
    return a.value_ < b.value_;

Dog is how I recommend everyone write their overloaded operators, as hidden friend non-templates.

template<class V>
struct Dog {
    V value_;

    friend bool operator<(const Dog& a, const Dog& b) {
        return a.value_ < b.value_;

Now consider the following “sort_in_place” algorithm, which uses reference_wrapper to sort a vector of handles pointing into its const argument vector, instead of sorting the argument vector itself. (I’ve never found this trick useful in practice, but it’s a very cute demonstration of how the different pieces of the STL fit together. I use basically this code in the reference_wrapper unit of my “Classic STL” training course.)

template<class T>
void sort_in_place(const std::vector<T>& vt) {
    std::vector<std::reference_wrapper<const T>> vr(vt.begin(), vt.end());
    std::sort(vr.begin(), vr.end());
    std::transform(vr.begin(), vr.end(),
        std::ostream_iterator<int>(std::cout), std::mem_fn(&T::value_));


We observe that sort_in_place works nicely for Dog. Whenever std::sort needs to compute a < b, where a and b are reference_wrapper<Dog<int>>, it uses ADL to find our friend as a candidate, and then confirms that reference_wrapper<Dog<int>> is indeed implicitly convertible to const Dog<int>& for both arguments.

But sort_in_place fails for Cat! It still uses ADL to find our operator< template; but then template argument deduction requires that the provided argument types exactly match the pattern specified by the template, which is not true in this case — there is no V such that Cat<V> is reference_wrapper<Cat<int>>. Deduction fails.

We can manually call the proper specialization — the one with V=int — by writing operator< <int>(vr[0], vr[1]). (The space is important there!) But we can’t write simply vr[0] < vr[1] because of this poor interaction with template argument deduction.

So Dog’s operator< is better-designed than Cat’s, at least in this respect.


For operator overloads, always prefer “hidden friend” non-templates.

The main benefits of the hidden friend idiom are that it avoids member operators’ asymmetrical treatment of the left and right operands, and that it shrinks overload sets by not dumping free operators directly into the top-level namespace. This blog post didn’t relate to either of those benefits.

The use of the hidden friend idiom in cases like Dog — specifically to create a class template whose instantiations are associated with non-template friends — is known as the “Barton–Nackman trick.” This blog post showed one way in which the Barton–Nackman trick, specifically, provides a subtle benefit.

Even in C++20, STL containers generally use free templates instead of the Barton–Nackman trick, which means that sort_in_place will, for example, work when vt is vector<int> but fail when vt is vector<string>. (Godbolt.)

See also:

Posted 2020-12-09