A “pick two” triangle for std::vector

While writing “What is the ‘vector pessimization’?” (2022-08-26), I realized that there was a mildly interesting puzzle here. Recall that the problem with std::vector in C++11 was that it wanted to use move instead of copy; but if a move fails then your strong exception guarantee is downgraded to the basic exception guarantee. The C++11 STL’s std::vector solved this problem via the “vector pessimization”: it always preserves the strong guarantee, but at the cost of sometimes copying instead of moving.

But from the programmer’s point of view, this is a “pick two” triangle, like the CAP theorem or Arrow’s paradox. You can have a vector that reallocates by moving instead of copying; or you can have a vector that propagates exceptions thrown during reallocation; or you can have a vector that gives the strong exception guarantee (instead of merely the basic guarantee); in fact you can have any two of these at once; but you can’t have all three!

Let’s look at three programmers’ business requirements for code something like this:

struct Widget {
    std::list<int> m_ = std::list<int>(1000);
        // MSVC's std::list isn't nothrow movable

std::vector<Widget> v(10);
try {
    v.reserve(v.capacity()+1);  // reallocate the buffer
} catch (...) {
    // is v still in its old state?

Alice says: “I want the strong exception guarantee, and I can meaningfully catch bad_alloc. Contrariwise, I don’t care about the speed of my reallocation operation.” Plain old C++ is perfect for Alice. Her Widget should follow the Rule of Zero. std::vector will copy it instead of moving (since MSVC’s std::list makes Widget’s defaulted move constructor non-noexcept). She gets the strong guarantee, and can also detect and recover when copying all those lists runs her out of memory.

Bob says: “I want speed, and I want the strong exception guarantee. Contrariwise, I don’t care about catching bad_alloc — just crash!” (Incidentally, see P1404 “bad_alloc is not out-of-memory!” (Andrzej Krzemieński and Tomasz Kamiński, June 2019) for some situations where Bob’s analysis might be inappropriate. Personally, I think Bob is more often right than wrong, but for our purposes here it doesn’t even matter if he’s right — just that he represents one of the sides of our two-out-of-three triangle.) Since Bob will accept program termination if moving m_ throws, Bob can just mark his explicitly defaulted move constructor as noexcept:

struct Widget {
    std::list<int> m_ = std::list<int>(1000);
        // MSVC's std::list isn't nothrow movable

    explicit Widget() = default;
    Widget(Widget&&) noexcept = default;  // !!
    Widget(const Widget&) = default;
    Widget& operator=(Widget&&) = default;
    Widget& operator=(const Widget&) = default;

std::vector<Widget> v(10);

This causes the compiler to generate a defaulted move constructor wrapped in a noexcept firewall. Adding noexcept (or explicit, or virtual) to a defaulted special member in this way is occasionally useful, and certainly better than trying to implement the whole member’s body by yourself.

Charlie says: “I can meaningfully catch bad_alloc, and I want speed. Contrariwise, I don’t care about the strong exception guarantee — if reallocation causes Widget’s move-constructor to throw, then I don’t care what state v ends up in!”

Alice and Bob had easy solutions using the standard std::vector. Charlie, though, is out of luck. There is no way (as far as I know) to achieve an “always-move, basic-guarantee vector<Widget>” except to build it from scratch. As soon as you involve std::vector in your solution, you’re locked into the strong exception guarantee, and will never reach Charlie’s side of the two-out-of-three triangle.

Do you know a way to achieve Charlie’s aims — exception propagation from Widget’s move constructor, but a vector<Widget> that provides only the basic guarantee? Does there exist a well-tested “basic_guarantee_vector<T>” anywhere out there?

Posted 2022-09-30