Reverse the List of Integers

On 2024-04-09, Alexandre Muñiz posted to Mathstodon a new mathematical recreation he calls “Reverse the List of Integers.” (Also on Hacker News here.) The game works like this:

  • Start with a list of distinct positive integers, e.g. (10 5 3). Your goal is to reverse the list, via “moves” of these two kinds:

  • Split a single number into two parts that sum to the whole; e.g. (10 5 4) could become (7 3 5 4) or (10 2 3 4).

  • Combine two adjacent numbers into their sum; e.g. (7 3 5 4) could become (7 8 4) or (7 3 9).

  • Throughout, it is forbidden to create a number greater than the original list’s maximum element. For example, if we’re trying to reverse (10 5 4), then it’s okay for (7 5 3 4) to become (7 8 4) but it’s not okay for it to become (12 3 4) because 12 is greater than the original list’s maximum of 10.

  • Finally, throughout, the list’s elements must remain distinct; e.g. (7 5 3 4) cannot become (7 5 7) nor (7 2 3 3 4).

Alexandre asks:

What are good algorithms, or even general strategies, for solving these?

For a given \(n\), there must be some [list] where \(n\) is the largest number in the list, and the number of moves required to solve the puzzle is maximized. What does the sequence of maximal required moves look like as a function of \(n\)? What do the “hardest” puzzles look like? Is there a way to determine either without using brute force?

Hacker News user “Someone” describes a good physical model of the game: Collect sticks of lengths 1 through \(n\). Place some subset of them end-to-end in the “solving gutter”; place the rest loose in the “unused gutter.” Your possible moves then correspond to replacing two adjacent sticks in the solving gutter with one unused stick of the same length from the unused gutter, or replacing one stick in the solving gutter with any two sticks from the unused gutter.

Visualization of reversing (6 1 3 2)

Notice that the sum of the list elements remains constant throughout; and therefore so does the sum of the missing elements (the sticks in the unused gutter). This invariant is useful in some of the proofs below; in particular, notice that we cannot ever split an element \(a\) unless the sum of the sticks in the unused gutter is at least \(a\). If, for some initial list, the sum of the unused elements is less than \(n-1\), then neither \(n-1\) nor \(n\) can be split; thus they cannot change places; and thus the list will be unsolvable.

It seems generally useful to classify the possible starting arrangements by their high value \(n\) and their initial length \(k\). (For example, (10 3 5) has high value 10 and length 3.)

Tomas Rokicki has already done some investigating and OEIS-ifying. OEIS A372008 gives the worst-case number of moves needed to solve any solvable list with high value n. Its entries are the maxima of each row of this triangle \(M(n,k)\), whose entries indicate the worst-case number of moves to solve any solvable list with high value \(n\) and length \(k\). (Entries suffixed with ? come from Tomas Rokicki but have not been independently verified by my slower code.)

n=1:  0
n=2:  0 -
n=3:  0 - -
n=4:  0 - -  -
n=5:  0 - -  -   -
n=6:  0 6 14  6  -  -
n=7:  0 4 12 24 26  -    -
n=8:  0 4 14 32 64 74    -    -
n=9:  0 4  8 18 66 76   86    -    -
n=10: 0 4  8 14 20 88  124  126   36    -
n=11: 0 4  8 12 16 26   90? 100? 106?   -  -
n=12: 0 4  8 12 16 20?  34? 112? 128? 130? - -
n=13: 0 4  8 10 14
n=14: 0 4  8 12 16
n=15: 0 4  8 10 14
n=16: 0 4  8 12
n=17: 0 4  8 10
n=18: 0 4  8 12
n=19: 0 4  8 10
n=20: 0 4  8

Meanwhile the count \(C(n,k)\) of solvable lists with high value \(n\) and length \(k\) is:

n=1:  1
n=2:  1  0
n=3:  1  0    0
n=4:  1  0    0     0
n=5:  1  0    0     0      0
n=6:  1  8   26    12      0      0
n=7:  1 12   82   294    244      0        0
n=8:  1 14  126   760   2316   1846        0         0
n=9:  1 16  168  1344   8238  31678    47164         0         0
n=10: 1 18  216  2016  15098  89078   336154    480598      2640         0
n=11: 1 20  270  2880  25200 181308  1039174?  3907420?  5673092?        0  0
n=12: 1 22  330  3960  39600 332582? 2323524? 12999906? 47886678? 67645030? 0 0
n=13: 1 24  396  5280  59400      ?        ?         ?         ?         ?  ? ? 0
n=14: 1 26  468  6864  85800      ?        ?         ?         ?         ?  ? ? ? 0
n=15: 1 28  546  8736 120120      ?        ?         ?         ?         ?  ? ? ? 0 0
n=16: 1 30  630 10920      ?      ?        ?         ?         ?         ?  ? ? ? ? 0 0
n=17: 1 32  720 13440      ?      ?        ?         ?         ?         ?  ? ? ? ? ? ? 0
n=18: 1 34  816 16320      ?      ?        ?         ?         ?         ?  ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0
n=19: 1 36  918 19584      ?      ?        ?         ?         ?         ?  ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0 0
n=20: 1 38 1026     ?      ?      ?        ?         ?         ?         ?  ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0 0

Notice that:

  • The total number of lists (solvable or not) with high value \(n\) and length \(k\) is \(\mathrm{Total}(n,k) = k!{ {n-1}\choose{k-1}}\).

  • Invariably \(C(n,1)=1\) and \(M(n,1)=0\).

  • For \(n\geq 2\) we have \(C(n,n)=0\), since if the starting list already contains all \(n\) possible numbers, there are no legal moves.

  • Consider a list of length \(k=n-1\). Only one number \(a < n\) is missing from the initial list; this means we’ll never be able to split the high value \(n\) itself; we can only manipulate the elements to the left of \(n\) and the elements to the right of \(n\). So, for this list to be solvable, the sum of the elements to the left of \(n\) must equal the sum of the elements to the right of \(n\). So the missing element must have the same parity as \(n(n+1)/2\). Now, if \(n-1\) is on the left side initially, we’ll certainly need to split it and reconstitute it on the right side, which means the sum of the missing numbers must be at least \(n-1\); but that’s impossible, because only \(a\) is missing. So the missing element \(a\) must be \(n-1\), and it must have the same parity as \(n(n+1)/2\) so that we can divide the remainder evenly between the left and right sides. According to this logic, \(C(n,n-1)\) is certainly zero for \(n\in\lbrace11,12,15,16,19,20,\ldots\rbrace\). On the other hand, it can be nonzero; for example \(C(10,9)=2640\).

  • It seems intuitively plausible that \(\forall k\exists m\forall n > m: C(n,k)=\mathrm{Total}(n,k)\).

  • For \(n\geq 7\), we have \(C(n,2)=\mathrm{Total}(n,2)\) and \(M(n,2)=4\). A proof of this is sketched by Mastodon user “SevenNinths” here.

  • For \(n\geq 9\), we seem to have \(C(n,3)=\mathrm{Total}(n,3)\) and \(M(n,3)=8\).

  • For \(n\geq 9\), we seem to have \(C(n,4)=\mathrm{Total}(n,4)\); but thus far \(M(n,4)\) fluctuates between 10 and 12. Will it settle down to 12 (suggesting that \(\forall k\exists m\forall n > m: M(n,k)=4(k-1)\)), or is something more complicated going on here?

Mastodon user “SevenNinths” sketches a constructive proof that \(\forall n\geq 7: M(n,2)=4\), in the form of a foolproof algorithm for reversing any two-element list with \(n\geq 7\). This intuitively suggests that there ought to be a foolproof algorithm for three-element lists, one for four-element lists, and so on. And then: Observe that SevenNinths’ algorithm keeps the length of all intermediate lists to 4 or less, even for extremely large \(n\). This intuitively suggests that there ought to be a sufficient length \(L(n,k) < n\) such that every solvable list with high value \(n\) and initial length \(k\) can be solved without ever creating a list longer than \(L(n,k)\). An oracle for \(L(n,k)\) would drastically speed up a brute-force solver by cutting down the search space.

The sufficient intermediate list length \(L(n,k)\) for solvable lists with high value \(n\) and length \(k\) is:

n=1:  1
n=2:  1 -
n=3:  1 - -
n=4:  1 - - -
n=5:  1 - - - -
n=6:  1 4 4 4 - -
n=7:  1 4 5 5 5 - -
n=8:  1 4 5 6 7 7 - -
n=9:  1 4 5 7 7 8 8 - -
n=10: 1 4 5 7 8 9 9 9 9 -
n=11: 1 4 5 7 8 9 ? ? ? - -
n=12: 1 4 5 6 8 ? ? ? ? ? - -
n=13: 1 4 5 7 8 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? -
n=14: 1 4 5 6 7 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? -
n=15: 1 4 5 7 8 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? - -
n=16: 1 4 5 6 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? - -
n=17: 1 4 5 7 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? -
n=18: 1 4 5 6 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? -
n=19: 1 4 5 7 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? - -
n=20: 1 4 5 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? - -

The C++17 code that produced these tables is here.

Posted 2024-04-22