I’ve drafted a paper for the latest WG21 mailing containing the following interesting examples, and proposing (as yet, vaguely) that we should do something about it.
A type that falsely advertises trivial copyability
struct Plum {
int *ptr_;
explicit Plum(int& i) : ptr_(&i) {}
Plum(const Plum&) = default;
void operator=(const volatile Plum&) = delete;
template<class=void> void operator=(const Plum& rhs) {
*ptr_ = *rhs.ptr_;
static_assert(std::is_assignable_v<Plum&, const Plum&>);
static_assert(!std::is_trivially_assignable_v<Plum&, const Plum&>);
int main() {
int a[3] = {1,2,3};
int b[3] = {4,5,6};
Plum pa[3] = {Plum(a[0]), Plum(a[1]), Plum(a[2])};
Plum pb[3] = {Plum(b[0]), Plum(b[1]), Plum(b[2])};
std::reverse_copy(pa, pa+3, pb);
assert(b[0] == 3 && b[1] == 2 && b[2] == 1);
std::copy(pa, pa+3, pb);
assert(b[0] == 1 && b[1] == 2 && b[2] == 3);
Microsoft STL’s std::pair<int&, int&>
uses this trick, which I’ve heard credited to
Peter Dimov and/or Eric Fiselier. We advertise Plum
as a trivially copyable type,
but in fact we give it semantics that are not value-semantic. This breaks libstdc++’s copy
and Microsoft STL’s reverse_copy
A trivially copy-assignable type that breaks the world
struct Cat {};
struct Leopard : Cat {
int spots_;
Leopard& operator=(Leopard&) = delete;
using Cat::operator=;
void test(Leopard& a, const Leopard& b) { a = b; }
This breaks every STL vendor’s copy
— even libc++, which goes out of its way to double-check
that the type it’s copying is not merely trivially_copyable
but also trivially_copy_assignable
This type does in fact have a trivial copy-assignment operator, which is found by overload resolution.
The trick is, it has the wrong type’s trivial copy-assignment operator!
A non-TC aggregate containing only TC types
struct Sunglasses {
Plum plum_;
You might be surprised that you can detect such “false advertising” simply by wrapping the type in an aggregate. GCC gets this wrong, but Clang+MSVC+EDG get it right.
This simple trick doesn’t quite work on Leopard
struct PerilSensitiveSunglasses {
Leopard leopard_;
static_assert(!std::is_assignable_v<PerilSensitiveSunglasses&, PerilSensitiveSunglasses&>);
MSVC gets this wrong, but Clang+GCC+EDG get it right.
A TC aggregate containing only non-TC types
Sometimes two wrongs make a right (Godbolt):
struct Fenris {
Fenris(Fenris&&) = default;
Fenris(const Fenris&);
Fenris& operator=(Fenris&&) = default;
Fenris& operator=(const Fenris&) = delete;
struct MoonMoon {
MoonMoon(MoonMoon&&) = default;
MoonMoon(const MoonMoon&) = delete;
MoonMoon& operator=(MoonMoon&&) = default;
MoonMoon& operator=(const MoonMoon&);
struct You {
Fenris f_;
MoonMoon m_;
Clang+GCC get this wrong, but MSVC+EDG get it right.
- “When is a trivially copyable object not trivially copyable?” (2018-07-13)
- “Trivially copyable doesn’t mean trivially copy constructible” (Jonathan Müller, 2021-03-25)
- “Trivial, but not trivially default constructible” (2024-04-02)