Boost.Interprocess, and sg14::inplace_vector

I’m blogging this mainly so that I’ll have a quick cut-and-pasteable starting point the next time I need to use boost::interprocess::offset_ptr as a motivating example for something. Many thanks to StackOverflow user “sehe” for the great SO answer from which I distilled this code.

But also see the end of this post for a bonus about allocator-aware inplace_vector.

Intro to Boost.Interprocess

Boost.Interprocess basically gives us a way to create a named “shared memory object” — essentially a disk file that we mmap into two different processes at once — and then we can allocate C++ objects in there, which will be visible to both processes. Synchronization is left as an exercise for the user; I’m not going to talk about synchronization or two-way communication in this post. For this post, we’ll deal with a non-concurrent program that first “pickles” a value into a shared memory object on disk, and then, on a later run, reopens the shared memory object to retrieve (“unpickle”) that value. Here’s the code (backup):

#include <boost/interprocess/managed_shared_memory.hpp>

// This is the name of the shared memory segment Boost will create for us.
// On Posix systems, it's likely a disk file named "/tmp/boost_interprocess/PICKLE".

namespace bip = boost::interprocess;

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  if (argc == 3 && std::string_view(argv[1]) == "--pickle") {
    auto segment = bip::managed_shared_memory(bip::create_only, SHM_SEGMENT_NAME, 10'000);
    int *p = segment.construct<int>("MY_INT")();
    *p = atoi(argv[2]);
    printf("Wrote %d to the shared memory segment (at RAM address %p)\n", *p, p);
  } else if (argc == 2 && std::string_view(argv[1]) == "--unpickle") {
    auto segment = bip::managed_shared_memory(bip::open_only, SHM_SEGMENT_NAME);
    auto [p, nelem] = segment.find<int>("MY_INT");
    assert(p != nullptr); // it was found
    assert(nelem == 1);   // and it's a single int object, not an array
    printf("Read %d from the shared memory segment (at RAM address %p)\n", *p, p);
  } else {
    puts("  ./a.out --pickle 42");
    puts("  ./a.out --unpickle");

The odd syntax segment.construct<int>("MY_INT")() asks Boost.Interprocess to create a new named object in shared memory. (The name allows us to find it in the other process by calling segment.find with that same name.) construct actually returns a callable; the second set of parentheses contains arguments to be perfectly forwarded to the new int object’s constructor. So we could write simply:

int *p = segment.construct<int>("MY_INT")(atoi(argv[2]));

and skip the assignment on the next line.

On my laptop, when I compile and run this (against Boost 1.85.0), I see this:

$ g++ -std=c++17 -W -Wall -O2 pickle.cpp
$ ./a.out --pickle 42
Wrote 42 to the shared memory segment (at RAM address 0x1004000e0)
$ ./a.out --unpickle
Read 42 from the shared memory segment (at RAM address 0x1022980e0)
$ ./a.out --unpickle
Read 42 from the shared memory segment (at RAM address 0x100d480e0)

Notice that the shared memory segment is loaded at a different virtual address each time, but we’re still able to get to our stored int essentially by magic, by looking up our object’s root name "MY_INT".

Dealing with pointers and containers

The above works fine for int, but it breaks down as soon as we try to store any more complicated C++ object in the shared memory segment. For example, suppose we try to store a std::vector<int>. That would look like this (backup):

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  if (argc >= 3 && std::string_view(argv[1]) == "--pickle") {
    auto segment = bip::managed_shared_memory(bip::create_only, SHM_SEGMENT_NAME, 10'000);
    std::vector<int> *p = segment.construct<std::vector<int>>("MY_INTS")();
    for (int i = 2; i < argc; ++i) {
    printf("Wrote %zu elements to a vector in the shared memory segment (vector at %p, data at %p)\n", p->size(), p, p->data());
  } else if (argc == 2 && std::string_view(argv[1]) == "--unpickle") {
    auto segment = bip::managed_shared_memory(bip::open_only, SHM_SEGMENT_NAME);
    auto [p, nelem] = segment.find<std::vector<int>>("MY_INTS");
    assert(p != nullptr); // it was found
    assert(nelem == 1);   // and it's a single vector<int> object
    printf("Found a vector with %zu elements in the shared memory segment (vector at %p, data at %p)\n", p->size(), p, p->data());
    printf("Those elements are:\n");
    for (int i : *p) {
      printf("  %d\n", i);
  } else {
    puts("  ./a.out --pickle 1 2 3");
    puts("  ./a.out --unpickle");

This will compile just fine; but at runtime, it’ll produce very wrong answers.

$ ./a.out --pickle 3 1 4
Wrote 3 elements to a vector in the shared memory segment
    (vector at 0x104b640e0, data at 0x600003098030)
$ ./a.out --unpickle
Found a vector with 3 elements in the shared memory segment
    (vector at 0x1047240e0, data at 0x600003098030)
Those elements are:

Do you see the problem? The vector object itself is successfully stored in the shared memory segment, but the vector object itself is just a class type with three scalar fields: size, capacity, and data pointer. These scalars are faithfully stored, and faithfully retrieved: the second process retrieves the vector’s size as 3 and its data pointer as 0x600003098030, just the same as they were in the first process. But in the first process, the pointer 0x600003098030 pointed to three ints on the first process’s heap; in the second process, there’s nothing at that address (if it’s even part of the second process’s heap at all).

To make this work, we need to make sure the vector allocates memory from the shared memory segment, not from the current process’s global heap. That is, the output we want is more like this:

$ ./a.out --pickle 1 2 3
Wrote 3 elements to a vector in the shared memory segment
    (vector at 0x104d880e0, data at 0x104d88110)
$ ./a.out --unpickle
Found a vector with 3 elements in the shared memory segment
    (vector at 0x102a340e0, data at 0x102a34110)

Notice those data pointers are now pointing into the segment, not onto the global heap. But notice another important subtlety: In the second process, the virtual address of the vector object has changed by 0x2354000. That means the virtual address of the entire shared memory segment has changed by that much. Which means that the virtual address of our data allocation has also changed by that much! In the “bad” output above, the vector stored a raw pointer with value 0x600003098030, and that pointer was reloaded with the same raw value in the second process, even though the data had shifted. To achieve the “good” output, we need the vector to store basically an integer offset within the segment itself, so that the virtual address to which it “points” will change along with the address of the segment.

See also the section of Boost’s documentation on “limitations.”

Boost.Interprocess solves both of these problems in one fell swoop, by providing a stateful allocator named bip::allocator<T, bip::managed_shared_memory::segment_manager>. (And others, but we won’t need them here.) bip::allocator’s nested pointer type is the fancy pointer type bip::offset_ptr<T>. An STL container parameterized with this allocator will both use the segment as its source of memory and represent pointers in memory as basically integer offsets.

offset_ptr is a class type with one private data member ptrdiff_t m_offset. Its T& operator*() const returns (T*)((char*)this + m_offset). This means that when you copy, move, or relocate an offset_ptr from one address to another, it’s not a trivial operation: offset_ptr is one of the canonical non-trivially relocatable types.

Recall that an allocator is a handle to a heap (CppCon 2018); here the segment_manager is the heap. Just as in PMR std::pmr::polymorphic_allocator<T> is implicitly convertible from raw std::pmr::memory_resource*, in BIP bip::allocator<...> is implicitly convertible from raw bip::managed_shared_memory::segment_manager*. And just like PMR, bip::allocator is “sticky”: it never propagates “horizontally” via POCCA, POCMA, or POCS.

When we work with Boost.Interprocess, we’ll use the following C++ STL types:

#include <boost/interprocess/allocators/allocator.hpp>
#include <boost/interprocess/managed_shared_memory.hpp>
#include <scoped_allocator>

namespace bip = boost::interprocess;

namespace shm {
  template<class T> using allocator =
    std::scoped_allocator_adaptor<bip::allocator<T, bip::managed_shared_memory::segment_manager>>;
  template<class T> using vector =
    std::vector<T, shm::allocator<T>>;

Every time we construct a new shm::vector object, we’ll use one of its allocator-extended constructors, which take all the same arguments as the ordinary constructors plus an extra parameter of type shm::allocator.

std::vector<int> *p = segment.construct<std::vector<int>>("MY_INTS")();

shm::vector<int> *p = segment.construct<shm::vector<int>>("MY_INTS")(alloc);

You might have noticed one more wrinkle in the typedef above. We wrapped our bip::allocator in std::scoped_allocator_adaptor. That’s because we need it to propagate “downward.” Remember that every time we construct a shm::vector, we need to use the allocator-extended constructor. If we create a shm::vector<shm::vector<int>> and then .emplace_back into it, the outer vector’s .emplace_back must call the allocator-extended constructor of shm::vector<int>, not the ordinary constructor. The STL handles this by allowing the allocator to define its own .construct method… which bip::allocator does not. Instead, std::scoped_allocator_adaptor adds exactly that functionality. Whenever you construct an object through such an allocator, its construct method checks to see whether the object under construction could take such an allocator itself, and if so, it’ll append *this to the constructor argument list. (Naturally, this is a simplification; the real behavior is slightly more complicated.)

Here’s a working Boost.Interprocess program (backup). It even stores a vector of strings, which (because string itself will allocate) exercises the downward-propagation functionality. Sadly neither libc++ nor libstdc++ natively support fancy pointers in their own basic_string types — you’ll get awful compile-time errors — so we use boost::container::basic_string, which guarantees support.

#include <boost/container/string.hpp>
#include <boost/interprocess/allocators/allocator.hpp>
#include <boost/interprocess/managed_shared_memory.hpp>

namespace bip = boost::interprocess;

namespace shm {
  template<class T> using allocator =
    std::scoped_allocator_adaptor<bip::allocator<T, bip::managed_shared_memory::segment_manager>>;
  template<class T> using vector =
    std::vector<T, shm::allocator<T>>;
  using string =
    boost::container::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, shm::allocator<char>>;

using VectorOfStrings = shm::vector<shm::string>;

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  if (argc >= 3 && std::string_view(argv[1]) == "--pickle") {
    auto segment = bip::managed_shared_memory(bip::create_only, SHM_SEGMENT_NAME, 10'000);
    auto alloc = shm::allocator<int>(segment.get_segment_manager());
    auto *p = segment.construct<VectorOfStrings>("MY_STRINGS")(argv+2, argv+argc, alloc);
    printf("Wrote %zu elements to a vector in the shared memory segment (vector at %p, data at %p)\n", p->size(), p, p->data());
  } else if (argc == 2 && std::string_view(argv[1]) == "--unpickle") {
    auto segment = bip::managed_shared_memory(bip::open_only, SHM_SEGMENT_NAME);
    auto [p, nelem] = segment.find<VectorOfStrings>("MY_STRINGS");
    assert(p != nullptr); // it was found
    assert(nelem == 1);   // and it's a single object
    printf("Found a vector with %zu elements in the shared memory segment (vector at %p, data at %p)\n", p->size(), p, p->data());
    printf("Those elements are:\n");
    for (shm::string& s : *p) {
      printf("  %s\n", s.c_str());

Bonus: sg14::inplace_vector

This past week I implemented the proposed inplace_vector<T, N, Alloc> in Quuxplusone/SG14. This allows you to use sg14::inplace_vector with Boost.Interprocess. Here is the same vector-of-strings example, using sg14::inplace_vector. That is, we create an shm::inplace_vector<shm::string, 10>, which is able to propagate the shm::allocator down to each of its elements.

$ g++ -std=c++20 -W -Wall -O2 pickle.cpp
$ ./a.out --pickle 1 2 3
Wrote 3 elements to a vector in the shared memory segment
    (vector at 0x102fa80e0, data at 0x102fa80f0)
$ ./a.out --unpickle
Found a vector with 3 elements in the shared memory segment
    (vector at 0x1027480e0, data at 0x1027480f0)
Those elements are:
  2  2
  3  3  3

$ ./a.out --pickle 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
libc++abi: terminating due to uncaught exception of type std::bad_alloc: std::bad_alloc
Abort trap: 6

Observe the key characteristic of inplace_vector: its data is stored directly within the footprint of the class itself. The 16 bytes in between are occupied by the inplace_vector’s shm::allocator member and its size.

A defaulted inplace_vector<T, N>, like a defaulted vector<T>, won’t spend any storage on its std::allocator member, because std::allocator is stateless. But remember, shm::allocator is stateful: it holds a handle to the shared memory segment.

The code dealing with the inplace_vector-of-strings ends up very clean:

using VectorOfStrings = shm::inplace_vector<shm::vector<int>, 10>;
auto *p = segment.construct<VectorOfStrings>("MY_STRINGS")(argv+2, argv+argc, alloc);

If we had only the C++26 draft standard’s current inplace_vector<T, N>, without an allocator parameter, we’d have to write this instead:

using VectorOfStrings = std::inplace_vector<shm::string, 10>;
auto *p = segment.construct<VectorOfStrings>("MY_STRINGS")();
for (int i = 2; i < argc; ++i) {
  p->emplace_back(argv[i], alloc);

Notice that the latter basically requires us to emulate allocator-awareness in userspace: we can’t just deal with an inplace_vector, but have to keep track of alloc alongside our inplace_vector *p and remember to always use them as a pair. If we ever forget to pass the alloc parameter to an emplace, insert, or push_back operation, we’ll have a serious bug. In the former, better, approach — using sg14::inplace_vector<T, N, Alloc> — we just construct the inplace_vector using the proper allocator to begin with, and then we can use it like an ordinary container: it’s basically a drop-in replacement for vector. This is a good thing, and we’re proposing that C++26’s std::inplace_vector should do it too.

Posted 2024-08-23