Does v.clear() free the allocation?

A perennial question on the cpplang Slack: “When I call v.clear() on a vector, does that hang onto the heap allocation, or free it?” The short answer is: “It hangs onto the allocation. Follow up with v.shrink_to_fit() if you need the allocation eagerly returned.” Now here’s the long answer!

In general, the STL tries not to do things you didn’t ask for. When you’re actually done with the vector, of course its destructor will both destroy the vector’s elements and free the heap allocation. But when you merely call v.clear(), you’re saying you’re not done with the vector — you might put some elements into it again. Therefore it would be silly for the STL to free the old heap allocation, because it’ll just need to make a new heap allocation again for those new elements. By hanging onto the vector’s old heap allocation, we save one round-trip to the heap.

When your intent is to actually free the block — that is, to reduce memory usage as much as possible — you should use the dedicated intent-expressing method v.shrink_to_fit(). That is, first you clear the vector to reduce its size to zero, and then you shrink_to_fit it to reduce its capacity also to zero. You can also shrink_to_fit a non-empty vector:

v = {1,2,3};

This makes v.capacity() equal to 3 (with the usual caveat that technically the behavior is implementation-defined; but all vendors get this part right). Notice that this requires the library to make a new memory allocation of size 3 before it can give back the original allocation! That’s right: shrink_to_fit doesn’t just mean “please free unused blocks,” it means “please relocate my data into new, smaller, blocks so that you can free the older larger blocks.” Thus shrink_to_fit invalidates pointers and iterators.

P0447 “std::hive introduces a new verb, v.trim_capacity(), to mean “please free unused blocks without relocating elements or invalidating iterators.” This new verb is almost meaningless to vector; but it is very meaningful to deque, and if P0447 is accepted, deque should certainly also gain a trim_capacity method.

How do I clear and free in one line?

Usually whoever’s asking about v.clear() won’t take shrink_to_fit for an answer. Everyone’s looking for a one-liner here. So they ask: How about v.resize(0)? How about v = {}? How about…?

Here (Godbolt, backup) is a test program running through each STL vendor’s implementation of each relevant container. Unfortunately this produces a table with three independent dimensions, which I have to squeeze into two for presentation.

Code vector string deque
v.clear() MS
v = {}
v = V() libc++, MS

The sole one-liner that reliably works for all three containers, on all three vendors’ implementations, is V().swap(v) — the same one-liner that’s been known since C++98. It’s covered in Item 7.3 of Herb Sutter’s More Exceptional C++ (2001), for example.

Only Microsoft’s deque currently treats d.clear() as a request to free the deque’s allocation. (So only Microsoft ever treats clear any differently from resize(0).) But notice that Microsoft is also the only vendor where deque can hang onto an arbitrarily large number of unused blocks! libc++’s and libstdc++’s deque will never keep more than two unused blocks. In fact, libstdc++’s deque is “never-empty”: it always hangs onto one block’s worth of storage, even in its “emptiest possible” default-constructed state.

That’s why libstdc++ trunk manually warrants its deque as trivially relocatable: its move-constructor may throw. It would get the vector pessimization, if not for that manual marking. Still, wrapping libstdc++’s deque in a Rule-of-Zero type reinstates the vector pessimization (unless you have P1144): Godbolt.

Microsoft’s list has the same issue as libstdc++’s deque, but stoically accepts its vector pessimization: Godbolt.

deque’s heap-management strategy is complicated, highly varied from vendor to vendor, and definitely a story for another day.

Finally, we might ask: What is the type of the right-hand operand in v = {}? This trivia question fooled me! You might already know the surprising factoid that an initialization like A a = {} never calls an initializer-list constructor — it calls A’s default constructor instead. So you might think a = {} would work the same way. (I did!) But we’d be wrong: In fact the special case for {} is codified in [dcl.init.list] and thus applies only to initialization. The assignment-expression a = {}, like any other function call such as f({}), prefers to bind {} to a parameter of type initializer_list, rather than to a parameter of type A. (Godbolt.) So a = {} means something different from — and generally less efficient than — a = A().

Posted 2025-01-02