Hot takes on P1452, P1470, P0408, and P0843

The pre-Kona WG21 mailing has been out for a little while. Tonight I looked at a few papers; here’s my hot takes. (This is round 2. Round 1 is here.)

P1452R0 “On the non-uniform semantics of return-type-requirements”: Points out that in the current C++2a working draft,

template<class T>
concept Fooable = requires(T t) {
    { t+1 } -> int;

means “t+1 should have a type convertible to int,” but,

template<class T> concept Int = std::is_same_v<T, int>;

template<class T>
concept Fooable = requires(T t) {
    { t+1 } -> Int;

means “t+1 should have a type which is exactly Int, i.e., int.” Meanwhile, P1141 “Yet another approach for constrained declarations,” which was adopted at the San Diego meeting in late 2018, has introduced the idea of “placeholder types with type-constraints,” as in the abbreviated function template void f(Int auto x). P1141 specifically does not propose that constrained placeholder types should be permitted in trailing-return-types, so in C++2a right now we have

auto f(Int auto x) { return x; } // OK

Int auto f(Int auto x) { return x; } // FORBIDDEN

But if we did gain the ability to use constrained placeholder types everywhere we can currently use unconstrained placeholder types, then we’d naturally expect to be able to write

template<class T>
concept Fooable = requires(T t) {
    { t+1 } -> Int auto;

which would mean “t+1 should have a type which when decayed is exactly Int, i.e., int,” because that’s what -> Int auto would mean as an actual trailing-return-type.

So we have these three (two current, one hypothetical) meanings for -> in a requires-expression. P1452 says, let’s just rip the -> syntax out of C++2a for now, and bring it back when we have more of an idea what it’s supposed to mean. Anyone who needs the “exactly models” behavior can write

template<class T>
concept Fooable = requires(T t) {
    requires Int<decltype(t+1)>;

while anyone who needs the “is convertible to” or “when decayed, models” behavior can write

template<class T>
concept Fooable = requires(T t) {
    { [](Int auto){}(t+1) };

Since I don’t like putting things into the C++ Standard without knowing what they mean, I support P1452.

P1470R0 “Against a standard concurrent hashmap”: This was submitted as a rebuttal to P0652 “Concurrent associative data structure with unsynchronized view”, but the first four pages could have been submitted under the title “What belongs in the Standard Library?” and should be required reading for everyone involved in WG21.

David Goldblatt’s paper lays out five “unscientific, non-exhaustive” categories of things that have gone into the Standard:

To try to expand on this a little, I’ll unscientifically and non-exhaustively categorize various types of things that get (or could get) standardized.

Hooks into the core language or runtime [such as initializer_list and exception_ptr …] These should be included because their functionality is important to end-users, and wouldn’t be accessible to end-users otherwise.

Vocabulary [such as swap, string, allocators, optional, Lockable, …] These should be included because they enable library composition. Lots of libraries need some notion of a dynamic array with amortized constant time appends. But if we don’t pick a single name for it, user code won’t be able to take the result of one such library and pass it to another.

Portability [such as <filesystem>, mutex, clocks, …] Sometimes important functionality is exposed by a wide variety of different implementations in a conceptually similar way that results in API differences. Standardizing these abstractions lets users write code without worrying about platform specifics. […]

Simple APIs for simple, common problems [such as sort …] These allow a nice “out of the box” experience for the language. It’s irritating and unfortunate if students or newcomers need to find and install a set of utility libraries just to do basic CS 101 tasks.

“Batteries included” APIs [such as <random>, <regex>, locales …] This is the riskiest category of things to standardize; there are hard-to-reason-about tradeoffs involved. If we get it wrong, will users make mistakes? How important is the problem? What are the user’s best alternatives? Do we have sufficient domain expertise? Indeed, many of the APIs commonly considered mistakes fall into this category. I’m thinking of locales, regexes, and iostreams manipulators, which many regard as poorly performing, hard to use, and, at least in regex’s case, buggy.

I’m almost positive he’s right about the narrow case of P0652’s concurrent_unordered_map — I can’t imagine how that would ever fall into WG21’s purview — but I think the list of categories above is much more important than just an entry in the hashmap debate. This is good stuff, and I hope it gets wider exposure.

P0408R6 “Efficient Access to basic_stringbuf’s Buffer”: This paper has been bouncing around LEWG and LWG for a long time and really just needs to happen already. (This is the paper that would make std::move(oss).str() on an ostringstream actually Do The Right Thing.)

On this reading, I noticed that P0408 also includes a drive-by fix for basic_stringbuf::swap, which is somehow, bizarrely, noexcept(false) — I guess basic_stringbuf missed the P0884 memo! I feel like getting a proper noexcept specification for swap ought to be an almost editorial LWG issue; it seems weird that it’s lumped in with the rest of this inexplicably slow-moving paper.

Ship it already!

P0843R3 “static_vector: This is the container properly known as fixed_capacity_vector. From the paper I get the impression that LWG has been pushing hard for some weird design decisions, and the paper author has been correctly pushing back. He resisted advice to add a hard dependency on abort() (instead, if you push_back on a full buffer, you get undefined behavior — which can be expressed as a “contract violation” as long as Contracts stay in the language). He resisted advice to merge <static_vector> into the existing <vector> header (which is already fairly expensive; even today, non-Microsoft vendors resist putting std::pmr::vector into <vector> in order to save on compilation times).

I’m still weakly against this paper as a whole, unless the name static_vector can be changed — for reasons detailed in my previous blog post on naming. But kudos to the author for having gotten everything but the name right! :)

I notice a few minor typos in the wording. Also one surprising omission: P0843R3’s static_vector is guaranteed to preserve trivial destructibility (that is, static_vector<T> is trivially destructible iff T is trivially destructible), but it is not guaranteed to preserve trivial move-constructibility. I believe it should.

Posted 2019-02-03