Concept definition-checking and its woes

C++2a concepts (formerly known as “Concepts Lite” and/or the Concepts TS) famously do not support “definition checking.” The idea of definition checking is that the programmer might write

template<class T,
    class ValueType = typename iterator_traits<T>::value_type>
concept InputIterator =
    Copyable<T> &&
    requires(T t) {
        { ++t } -> Same<T&>;
        { *t } -> ConvertibleTo<ValueType>;
        { t == t } -> ConvertibleTo<bool>;

template<class T>
concept RandomAccessIterator =
    InputIterator<T> &&
    requires(T t, int n) {
        { t + n } -> ConvertibleTo<T>;

and then an algorithm such as

template<class It, class T> requires InputIterator<It>
It find_n(It first, int n, const T& value)
    It last = first + n;
    for (It it = first; it != last; ++it) {
        if (*it == value) {
            return it;
    return last;

Now, in C++2a–concepts-land, where templates are still effectively duck-typed, we can invoke this template as follows, and it’s all totally fine with the compiler. (Godbolt.)

int main() {
    int a[10] = {3,1,4,1,5,9,2,6,5,3};
    int *p = find_n(a, 10, 6);
    assert(p == a+7);

By contrast, in a world with “definition checking,” the compiler would have complained as soon as we defined function template find_n, even before we instantiated it at all!

error: expression involving constrained parameters,
'<InputIterator> + <int>', is not part of the concept
requirements of 'InputIterator'
    It last = first + n;

The compiler is telling us that we made a mistake here: we advertised that find_n can accept any InputIterator, but in fact it uses operations such as + that are not supported by some InputIterators (such as istream_iterator<int>). Maybe we meant that find_n should accept only RandomAccessIterators; or maybe we should refactor find_n so that it can work with arbitrary InputIterators. Either way, definition-checking has alerted us to the bug.

This is why definition-checking sounds like a cool and useful thing. Now let’s see why we can’t have it in C++.

An oft-quoted objection is no problem at all

I frequently see people opining that what makes definition-checking hard is that it doesn’t allow for temporary ad-hoc code. The canonical example is “printf debugging.” Consider:

template<class It, class T> requires InputIterator<It>
It find_n(It it, int n, const T& value)
    for (int i = 0; i != n; void(++i), ++it) {
#ifdef DEBUG_ME
        if (*it == value) {
            return it;
    return last;

People say, “A hypothetical definition-checking compiler should be happy with this code… but, if you pass -DDEBUG_ME, it’ll complain.”

error: expression involving constrained parameters,
'save_to_log(<InputIterator>)', is not part of the
concept requirements of 'InputIterator'

However, this is a bad example, because it is trivially easy to tell the compiler that save_to_log(it) is well-formed in this context. C++17 gives us if constexpr to express local constraints.

template<class T>
concept Loggable = requires(T t) {
    { save_to_log(t) };

template<class It, class T> requires InputIterator<It>
It find_n(It it, int n, const T& value)
    for (int i = 0; i != n; void(++i), ++it) {
#ifdef DEBUG_ME
        if constexpr (Loggable<T>) {
        } else {
            save_to_log(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__, " with non-loggable iterator type");
        if (*it == value) {
            return it;
    return last;

A hypothetical definition-checking compiler could certainly track the constraints involving T that apply in any particular lexical scope, including those implicitly applied by if constexpr and static_assert expressions that just happened to be of the form constraint-expression.

So the oft-quoted “printf debugging” hurdle is not a hurdle at all.

A less-quoted objection remains valid

Consider again the requirement on our concept InputIterator:

        { *t } -> ConvertibleTo<ValueType>;

And look at our template find_n:

template<class It, class T> requires InputIterator<It>
It find_n(It it, int n, const T& value)
    for (int i = 0; i != n; void(++i), ++it) {
        if (*it == value) {
            return it;
    return last;

Shouldn’t our hypothetical definition-checking compiler still complain about this line?

error: expression involving constrained parameters,
'<ConvertibleTo<int>> == <int>', is not part of the
concept requirements of 'ConvertibleTo'
        if (*it == value) {

Our concept definition for InputIterator says that *it must be convertible to iterator_traits<It>::value_type, but we never said anywhere that iterator_traits<It>::value_type must be equality-comparable — and certainly never said that it must be equality-comparable to the unconverted type of *it, whatever that is. This is a problem for pathological types, but also in practice for proxy iterators such as vector<bool>::iterator. (See “C++ idiom of the day: arrow_proxy (February 2019).)

Compilers don’t possess common sense

How about this line?

error: expression involving constrained parameters,
'<void> , <InputIterator>', is not part of the concept
requirements of 'InputIterator'
    for (int i = 0; i != n; void(++i), ++it) {

We humans know that void() , x is a well-formed expression for any x; but should the compiler be expected to know that? How much “common sense” can the programmer expect out of their hypothetical definition-checking compiler?

Finally, consider

template<class T>
concept Addable = requires(T t) {
    { t + 1 };

template<class T> requires Addable<T>
void test(T x) {
    x + 2;  // OK??

Should the compiler be expected to know that if { x + 1 } is well-formed, then x + 2 is automatically also well-formed? (And if so, watch out: x + 0 can still be ill-formed!)

These problems, and problems like them, are the reason definition checking hasn’t yet — and probably never will — come to C++.

Posted 2019-07-22