Implementation divergence with friend

The other day I was pondering a potential new exercise for my “STL from Scratch” class: write an iterator_facade similar to Boost’s, but as a mixin rather than a CRTP base class. I’ll skip the details, but the point is that I ended up thinking about how Boost’s old friend class iterator_core_access; idiom would translate into a world full of SFINAE.

Recall that when you say friend class Foo;, what you mean is “Please allow class Foo to access all of my private members.” But in C++, classes don’t access members — expressions and type-expressions access members! Sometimes an expression might clearly “belong” to a member of class Foo, but other times it might not. I realized I had no solid intuition about what friend should actually do in these corner cases, so I took my questions to Godbolt.

Consider these situations:

class Shy {
    friend struct A;
    friend struct B;
    friend struct C;
    friend struct D;
    static inline int m = 42;

struct A {
    decltype(Shy::m) m;   // OK

    decltype(Shy::m) f() {
        return Shy::m;    // OK

    int g();
decltype(Shy::m) A::g() { // OK
    return Shy::m;        // OK

Notice that with A::g, the compiler sees a mention of decltype(Shy::m) before it sees that it’s parsing a member of struct A. However, all vendors agree that this is fine.

Let’s go harder!

struct B {
    int f(int x);
int B::f(int x = Shy::m) {
    return x;
int nonfriend() {
    return B().f();

Default function arguments are always evaluated in the context of the caller, but their access-control is always dealt with in their original context. So giving function parameter x a default value of Shy::m is OK here.

Divergence on friend with enums

Let’s go harder!

struct C {
    struct S;
    enum E : int;
struct C::S {
    int f(int x);
decltype(Shy::m) C::S::f(decltype(Shy::m) x = Shy::m) {
    return x;
enum C::E : decltype(Shy::m) {  // XX
    RED = sizeof(Shy::m),  // YY

When Shy befriends C, it’s saying that all members of class C have access to all members of Shy. “All members” includes member types as well! So for example a member function of nested class C::S should be able to refer to Shy::m in all the same ways that a member function of C itself could. Similarly, we expect that member type C::E should have access to Shy::m.

On the enum member, we get some fun implementation divergence!

  • Clang: This is all perfectly OK, thank you.

  • ICC: Line XX is an error, but line YY is OK.

  • GCC and MSVC: Lines XX and YY are both errors.

You can verify that the errors are all due to access control by changing class Shy to struct Shy — every vendor’s errors vanish when you do that.

Divergence on friend with templates

Let’s go harder! Let’s do some templates.

struct D {
    template<int VALUE>
    int f();

template<decltype(Shy::m) VALUE>
int D::f() {
    return VALUE;

Here again we have some implementation divergence. GCC believes that template<decltype(Shy::m) VALUE> constitutes a different template-head from template<int VALUE> when Shy::m is inaccessible. Everyone else is happy with this code.

What about metaprogramming? Can we successfully SFINAE on the accessibility of a member? Godbolt:

class Shy {
    friend struct A;
    static inline int m = 42;
class Unfriendly {
    static inline int m = 42;

struct A {
    template<class T, class = void>
    struct HasM;
template<class, class>
struct A::HasM {
    static constexpr bool value = false;
template<class T>
struct A::HasM<T, decltype(T::m, void())> {
    static constexpr bool value = true;

static_assert(!A::HasM<Unfriendly>::value, "oops Unfriendly should have inaccessible m");
static_assert(A::HasM<Shy>::value, "oops Shy should have accessible m");
static_assert(!A::HasM<int>::value, "oops int should have no m");

Sadly, we have a lot of implementation divergence here.

  • Clang and ICC: This is all totally OK.

  • MSVC: The mention of T::m in the partial specialization doesn’t respect friend status; so A::HasM<Shy>::value is false.

  • GCC: The mention of T::m in the partial specialization doesn’t respect friend status, and, furthermore, is a hard error when T::m is inaccessible.

Can you come up with a portable way for A::HasM to SFINAE on the accessibility of member T::m? If so, drop me a line!

Divergence on template friends

How about if we actually befriend the template itself — can we then refer to private members in the friend’s own template-head? Godbolt:

class Shy {
    template<int> friend struct A;
    template<class> friend struct B;
    static inline int m = 42;

struct A {};

template<class = decltype(Shy::m)>
struct B {};
  • Clang and MSVC: This is all totally OK.

  • GCC and ICC: Neither A nor B is well-formed, because Shy::m is inaccessible.

Lagniappe: Divergence on default template arguments

Finally, here’s an implementation divergence that turned out to have nothing to do with friend.

struct B {
    static int f();
template<class T = decltype(Shy::m)>
int B::f() {
    return 0;
int main() {
    return B::f();

This one gives us four different vendor behaviors:

  • Clang compiles it quietly and successfully.

  • GCC compiles the template definition quietly, but then confusingly fails to deduce T in the call to B::f().

  • MSVC — the most helpful behavior — compiles the template definition under protest:

      warning C4544: 'T': default template argument ignored
      on this template declaration
  • Intel ICC refuses even to compile the template definition.

      error #1081: a default template argument cannot be specified
      on the declaration of a member of a class template
      outside of its class

ICC’s error message is clearly confused: B::f() is not a member of a class template, it’s a member of the non-template class B. However, MSVC and GCC seem to agree with the very surprising dictum that defaulted template parameters (in the specific case of a member template) should be ignored when they’re seen anywhere except the template’s first declaration.

Anyway, this inconsistency has to do with some arcane aspect of templates, not of friend. Changing class Shy to struct Shy doesn’t alter any of the inconsistent behaviors here.

Posted 2019-09-10