C++Now 2020: A C++ Magic Trick

Today would have been the first full day of C++Now 2020 in beautiful Aspen, Colorado… if not for coronavirus. I had had a good idea for a lightning talk — okay, maybe not as good as “Boost.Blockchain,” but — too good to lose. So I’ve recorded my lightning talk at home and uploaded it to YouTube! You can find it here.

I presented the trick again, “live,” at the Munich C++ Meetup’s virtual meetup on May 7, 2020, where I also presented my full-length C++Now submission, “The Complete Guide to return x.” (YouTube.)

I presented the trick again, “live,” at C++ London’s virtual meetup on May 18, 2020. (YouTube.)

If I hear of anyone else recording their C++Now 2020 lightning talks, I’ll link to them here.

Posted 2020-05-04