Here’s another Binary Homeworlds puzzle. I posted it to BoardGameGeek back in early September, but might as well record it here too.
For details of how I created the puzzle, and how I created the image (thanks to Sleafar on Puzzling StackExchange!), see the first post in this series.
According to Looney Labs’ website, the Pyramid Quartet standalone Homeworlds set goes on sale November 12. You can preorder it from Looney Labs!
The puzzle
Consider the following position in a game of Binary Homeworlds (using the Pyramid Quartet rules).
Lee (0,r1b2) r2b1b2-r1g2
Ray (1,r2) g1g1-r3r3g3
DS1 (g3) -b1
DS2 (y2) r1y1g1b2-
DS3 (y1) y1-y3b1
The stash contains r2r3 y2y2y3y3 g2g2g3 b3b3b3
. It is Lee’s turn to move.
Notice that Lee is currently in check: If Lee passes, Ray can simply sac r3 to capture b1b2r2 at Lee and win the game.
What is Lee’s single best move at this point, and why?
For the solution, see the discussion of this puzzle on BoardGameGeek.