A deduction guide for Foo(Ts..., Ts...)

On the cpplang Slack, Håkon B. Grundnes posed a metaprogramming problem: Write a CTAD deduction guide that works for this class template.

template<class... Ts>
class Foo {
  explicit Foo(Ts... as, Ts... bs) :
    b_(static_cast<Ts&&>(bs)...) {}

  std::tuple<Ts...> a_;
  std::tuple<Ts...> b_;

That is, we want all these cases to compile:

Foo f0 = Foo(); // deduces Foo<>
Foo f1 = Foo(1, 2); // deduces Foo<int>
Foo f2 = Foo(1, 'a', 2, 'b'); // deduces Foo<int, char>
Foo f3 = Foo("sun", "moon"); // deduces Foo<const char*>

Here’s my (partial) solution.

Initially, let’s ignore the CTAD part of the problem: assume we’ll use a make_pair–like factory function instead. This lets us focus on the algorithmic problem.

The algorithmic problem is to take a single parameter pack of the form Ts..., Ts... and split it up to find Ts... alone. We can divide that problem into two subtasks: First, given a pack of length n, yield its first n/2 elements; and second, verify that the second n/2 elements in the original pack are the same as the first n/2 elements — that is, that the whole pack is equal to the half-pack repeated.

So our first draft of a solution looks something like this:

template<class... TsTs>
auto make_foo(TsTs... tsts) {  // rough-draft version
  using FooTs = typename foo_of_first_half<TsTs...>::type;
  if constexpr (is_doubled<FooTs, Foo<TsTs...>>::value) {
    return FooTs(tsts...);
  } else {
    // Fail. Ideally make_foo would SFINAE away in this case.

The easiest way to write foo_of_first_half, I think, is to use tuple_element_t:

template<class... TsTs>
struct foo_of_first_half {
  template<size_t I>
  using IthElement = std::tuple_element_t<I, std::tuple<TsTs...>>;

  template<size_t... Is>
  static auto f(std::index_sequence<Is...>)
    -> Foo<IthElement<Is>...>;

  static constexpr size_t N = sizeof...(TsTs) / 2;
  using type = decltype(f(std::make_index_sequence<N>()));

The easiest way to write is_doubled is certainly to pattern-match using a partial specialization. Just as we can implement std::is_same like this:

template<class, class>
struct is_same : false_type {};

template<class T>
struct is_same<T, T> : true_type {};

we can write our is_doubled like this:

template<class, class>
struct is_doubled : false_type {};

template<class... Ts>
struct is_doubled<Foo<Ts...>, Foo<Ts..., Ts...>> : true_type {};

Putting it all together, and adding the missing SFINAE, we get this.

template<class... TsTs>
struct foo_of_first_half {
  template<size_t I>
  using IthElement = std::tuple_element_t<I, std::tuple<TsTs...>>;

  template<size_t... Is>
  static auto f(std::index_sequence<Is...>)
    -> Foo<IthElement<Is>...>;

  static constexpr size_t N = sizeof...(TsTs) / 2;
  using type = decltype(f(std::make_index_sequence<N>()));

template<class, class>
struct is_doubled : std::false_type {};

template<class... Ts>
struct is_doubled<Foo<Ts...>, Foo<Ts..., Ts...>> : std::true_type {};

template<class... TsTs, class FooTs = typename foo_of_first_half<TsTs...>::type>
  requires is_doubled<FooTs, Foo<TsTs...>>::value
FooTs make_foo(TsTs... tsts) {
  return FooTs(tsts...);

This version fails to perfect-forward the arguments to Foo’s constructor, which means we’re making a lot more copies than we’d expect. We want to take TsTs&&..., not TsTs... — but, at the same time, we want make_foo("abc", "def") to yield Foo<const char*>, not Foo<const char(&)[4]>! We can fix that in either of two ways: either by applying decay_t (Godbolt)—

template<class... TsTs, class FooTs = typename foo_of_first_half<std::decay_t<TsTs>...>::type>
  requires is_doubled<FooTs, Foo<std::decay_t<TsTs>...>>::value
FooTs make_foo(TsTs&&... tsts) {
  return FooTs(std::forward<TsTs>(tsts)...);

—or by deducing the real return type based on the result type of a never-called helper function, similar to how CTAD deduction guides actually work today (Godbolt)—

template<class... TsTs, class FooTs = typename foo_of_first_half<TsTs...>::type>
  requires is_doubled<FooTs, Foo<TsTs...>>::value
FooTs make_foo_guide(TsTs... tsts);

template<class... TsTs, class FooTs = decltype(make_foo_guide(std::declval<TsTs>()...))>
FooTs make_foo(TsTs&&... tsts) {
  return FooTs(std::forward<TsTs>(tsts)...);

But what about CTAD?

The solution above allows us to write:

Foo f2 = make_foo(1, 'a', 2, 'b');

But we originally asked for:

Foo f2 = Foo(1, 'a', 2, 'b');

In an ideal world, we’d be able to take the metaprogramming we just did, and stick it on the right-hand side of a deduction guide:

template<class... TsTs>
Foo(TsTs&&...) -> decltype(make_foo(std::declval<TsTs>()...));

But no vendor supports this syntax! Clang says:

error: deduced type 'decltype(make_foo(std::declval<TsTs>()...))'
of deduction guide is not written as a specialization
of template 'Foo'
  Foo(TsTs&&...) -> decltype(make_foo(std::declval<TsTs>()...));

Standard C++ requires that the thing on the right-hand side of the -> be pretty much exactly the sequence of characters Foo< followed by some template arguments; it’s not allowed to use a helper function, or a type alias. The wording in [temp.deduct.guide] is draconian:

    explicit-specifieropt template-name ( parameter-declaration-clause ) -> simple-template-id ;

The simple-template-id shall name a class template specialization. The template-name shall be the same identifier as the template-name of the simple-template-id.

There’s a little implementation divergence here; for example, where the Standard requires a simple-template-id, all vendors in practice allow a qualified-id. So one can in practice write:

struct Outer {
  template<class> struct Inner;
  Inner(int) -> Outer::Inner<int>; // all three accept

GCC and MSVC stretch as far as permitting a type alias if the alias expands to a specialization directly:

template<class> struct S;
template<class T> using Alias = S<T>;
template<class T> S(T) -> Alias<T>; // GCC+MSVC accept; Clang rejects

Or if the alias expands to something non-dependent:

template<class> struct S;
template<class T> using Alias = std::type_identity_t<S<T>>;
template<class T> S(T) -> Alias<int>; // GCC+MSVC accept; Clang rejects

But no vendor stretches so far as to permit arbitrary computations on types:

template<class> struct S;
template<class T> using Alias = std::type_identity_t<S<T>>;
template<class T> S(T) -> Alias<T>; // all three reject

Under these restrictions, I believe it’s impossible to implement a CTAD deduction guide with the same behavior as our make_foo. But I would be very favorably disposed toward a proposal that removed these unnecessary restrictions!

For more on CTAD’s inferiority to factory functions in practice, see also:

Posted 2023-05-26