A neat technique for custom output iterators

Here’s a neat tip — credit due to Hank Meng via his blog post “Custom iterator” (June 2023). (I’ve read all four of the posts currently available on biowpn.github.io/bioweapon/; they’re all good!)

You know the STL likes to take “source” and “sink” operations — cin >> x, cout << x, v.push_back(x) — and “lift” them into input and output iterators. For example, the STL provides front_insert_iterator and back_insert_iterator: when you initialize it = std::back_inserter(v), writing *it++ = x will turn into v.push_back(x). This allows us to compose any STL algorithm (e.g. remove_copy_if) with the notion of pushing onto the front or back of a container.

std::list<int> src = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8};
std::list<int> dst;
std::remove_copy_if(src.begin(), src.end(), std::front_inserter(dst), isOdd);
assert((dst == std::list<int>{8,6,4,2}));

But suppose we wanted to push into a priority_queue instead! priority_queue doesn’t have push_back or push_front methods; it just has push. There’s no pre-rolled STL iterator type corresponding to q.push(x). So the traditional approach (in my previous experience) is to go through all the busywork of implementing a new iterator from scratch. C++20 makes it easier than C++17, but it’s still tedious (Godbolt):

template<class Q>
struct PushIterator {
  using difference_type = int;
  explicit PushIterator(Q& q) : q_(&q) {}
  PushIterator& operator++() { return *this; }
  PushIterator operator++(int) const { return *this; }
  PushIterator operator*() const { return *this; }
  void operator=(Q::value_type value) const { q_->push(value); }
  Q *q_;

The neat trick I learned from Hank’s blog post is that you can leverage back_insert_iterator to do the heavy lifting! Instead of implementing a PushIterator that satisfies the many requirements of all the STL algorithms we might ever want to use (i.e., it must satisfy std::output_iterator and meet the LegacyOutputIterator requirements too), we can simply implement a PushContainerAdaptor that satisfies the one simple requirement of std::back_insert_iterator (i.e. it must have a push_back method).

This should be a general rule: Whenever you have the choice of conforming to a lot of explicit requirements (e.g. the output_iterator requirements) or conforming to a very small number of practical requirements (e.g. to have a push_back method), strongly consider the latter. Prefer “less and simpler” over “more and complex.”

Now, the problem not discussed in Hank’s blog post is that back_inserter doesn’t want a container adaptor; it wants a native reference to a container. So we can’t just construct a temporary adaptor and pass it to back_inserter; we need to pass a reference to something that will be suitably long-lived. A temporary doesn’t qualify.

The conforming solution is simply to avoid temporaries and helper functions (Godbolt):

template<class Q>
struct PushAdaptor {
  using value_type = Q::value_type;
  explicit PushAdaptor(Q& q) : q_(&q) {}
  void push_back(value_type value) const { q_->push(value); }
  Q *q_;

std::priority_queue<int> dst;
auto realgood = PushAdaptor(dst);
std::remove_copy_if(src.begin(), src.end(), std::back_inserter(realgood), isOdd);

But there’s also a fun solution! The following is totally UB, but please tell me if you ever see it fail in practice. Godbolt:

template<class Q>
struct UBPushAdaptor {
  using value_type = Q::value_type;
  void push_back(value_type value) {
    Q *q = reinterpret_cast<Q*>(this);
template<class Q>
auto pusher(Q& q) {
  return std::back_inserter(reinterpret_cast<UBPushAdaptor<Q>&>(q));

std::priority_queue<int> dst;
std::remove_copy_if(src.begin(), src.end(), pusher(dst), isOdd);
Posted 2023-10-01