Should assignment affect is_trivially_relocatable?

Consider the following piece of code that uses Bloomberg’s bsl::vector:

#include <bsl_vector.h>
using namespace BloombergLP::bslmf;

struct T1 {
    int i_;
    T1(int i) : i_(i) {}
    T1(const T1&) = default;
    void operator=(const T1&) { puts("Assigned"); }
    ~T1() = default;

int main() {
    bsl::vector<T1> v = {1,2};

bsl::vector::erase uses T1::operator= to shift element 2 leftward into the position of element 1 (and then destroys the moved-from object in position 2). The program prints “Assigned.”

But that’s because type T1 is not trivially relocatable!

BSL calls the relevant trait IsBitwiseMoveable, not IsTriviallyRelocatable; but that’s only because their codebase predates the C++11 meaning of “move.” Qt, a codebase of similar antiquity, upgraded their own terminology from “movable” to “relocatable” only in November 2020.

I don’t give a Godbolt link here only because BSL isn’t available on Godbolt yet: #5933.

Let’s try the same thing with a trivially relocatable type T2:

struct T2 : NestedTraitDeclaration<T2, IsBitwiseMoveable> {
    int i_;
    T2(int i) : i_(i) {}
    T2(const T2&) = default;
    void operator=(const T2&) { puts("Assigned"); }
    ~T2() = default;

int main() {
    bsl::vector<T2> v = {1,2};

Now BSL knows that elements of type T2 can be trivially (that is, bitwise) relocated; so bsl::vector::erase destroys element 1 and then uses memmove to shift element 2 leftward into that vacant position. The program prints nothing; T2::operator= is never called.

Okay, what’s the moral of this story?

  • If you warrant a type as “trivially relocatable,” you must be prepared for library-writers not only to skip some construct/destroy pairs, but also to skip some assignment operations.

  • To put it from the library-writer’s point of view: Every trivially relocatable type has a “sane” assignment operator. Assigning a trivially relocatable type means no more or less than transferring its value. Library-writers can and do optimize based on this fact.

  • To put it from the P1144 compiler’s point of view: Suppose we have a type like T1 that appears perfectly trivially relocatable except that it has a user-provided operator=. That user-provided assignment operator could do anything. We must consider the type non-trivially-relocatable. (Indeed, std::is_trivially_relocatable_v<T1> is false, for the same reason that bslmf::IsBitwiseMoveable<T1> is false.)

Now, of course a type with a customized assignment operator can be explicitly warranted as trivially relocatable; that’s exactly what we do in T2 (using BSL’s library-based opt-in). Here’s the same example using Qt’s library syntax for the warrant (Godbolt):

#include <QList>

struct T2 {
    int i_;
    T2(int i) : i_(i) {}
    T2(const T2&) = default;
    void operator=(const T2&) { puts("Assigned"); }
    ~T2() = default;


int main() {
    QList<T2> v = {1,2,3};
    v.erase(v.begin() + 1);
      // does not print "Assigned"

And using P1144’s syntax for the warrant:

struct [[trivially_relocatable]] T2 {
    int i_;
    T2(int i) : i_(i) {}
    T2(const T2&) = default;
    void operator=(const T2&) { puts("Assigned"); }
    ~T2() = default;

As of this writing, my libc++ fork follows BSL-and-Qt’s lead in optimizing vector::erase for trivially relocatable types. My newer libstdc++ fork does not, yet; but eventually it will. (Godbolt.)

“Wait, isn’t it technically non-conforming to use anything but assignment in vector::erase, because vector::erase’s Complexity element specifically requires the assignment operator of T to be called a certain number of times?” — Well, yes, you’ve got me there, for now. But we (STL) would really like it to be conforming, because we (BSL, Qt, Folly, …) already do it! WG21 likes to say that C++ should “leave no room for a lower-level language”; it doesn’t really make sense that a valuable optimization that every third-party library vendor already does should be forbidden to std::vector on a technicality.

My P3055R0 “Relax wording to permit relocation optimizations in the STL” (December 2023) aims to patch this hole. D3055R1 adds a few “stretch goal” patches on top of R0. Feedback welcome; send me an email!

Test yourself

  • As a type author: Suppose your type Cat has a defaulted copy constructor and defaulted destructor, but you rely on non-value-semantic side-effects of Cat::operator=; your program will misbehave if an assignment operation is replaced with destroy-and-reconstruct. Is Cat “trivially relocatable”?

  • As a type author: Your program’s correctness depends on the compiler’s never eliding assignments of Cat. Suppose you mark it with the attribute — struct [[trivially_relocatable]] Cat — thus forcing is_trivially_relocatable_v<Cat> to yield true. Is this “lying to the compiler”? Will your program behave correctly after that change?

  • As the compiler (or the human reader): Suppose you see a type struct Dog (not marked with the attribute). All of its data members are trivially relocatable. Its destructor and move-constructor are defaulted. But its move-assignment operator is user-provided; you can’t tell exactly what it does. As the compiler (or the human reader), is it safe to assume that Dog is trivially relocatable?

(No; yes; no; no.)

Posted 2024-01-02