
Over on /r/askmath a couple days ago, “electricmaster23” posed the following puzzle:

Pack the 12 pentominoes into a 6x10 rectangle, then label each cell of that rectangle with a digit from 1 to 5 such that each pentomino contains all of 1 through 5, and, whenever two adjacent cells belong to different pentominoes, their labels’ sum is a prime number.

“marpocky” pointed out that the puzzle was unsolvable, because of the X pentomino: no matter how you label its legs, you arrive at a contradiction. For example, if two adjacent legs of the X are labeled 3 and 4, then we must have \(x\) such that \(x+3\) and \(x+4\) are both prime; this is impossible.

The X pentomino

Likewise, adjacent legs cannot be labeled (2,3), (2,5), or (4,5).

  • Suppose one of the legs of the X is labeled 2; then neither adjacent leg can be either 3 or 5, so they must be 1 and 4 in either order. With 1,2,4 accounted for, the fourth leg (opposite the 2) can’t be either 3 (because (3,4) is verboten) or 5 (because (4,5) is verboten). Ergo, none of the X’s four legs can be labeled 2.

  • Suppose one of the legs is labeled 3; then neither adjacent leg can be either 2 or 4 (because (2,3) and (3,4) are verboten), so they must be 1 and 5 in either order. With 1,3,5 accounted for, the fourth leg (opposite the 3) can’t be either 2 (because (2,5) is verboten) or 4 (because (4,5) is verboten). Ergo, none of the X’s four legs can be labeled 3.

Without 2 and 3, we’re left with only three labels for the X’s four legs; Q.E.D., the X can’t be labeled with these digits at all.

However, “electricmaster23” quickly found a solution to the following variation:

Pack the 12 pentominoes into a 6x10 rectangle, then label each cell of that rectangle with a digit from 0 to 4 such that each pentomino contains all of 0 through 4, and, whenever two adjacent cells belong to different pentominoes, their labels’ sum is a prime number. (Neither 0 nor 1 is prime.)

There are 2339 possible packings to consider (up to rotation and reflection). I didn’t quickly find a listing of all 2339 packings of the 12 pentominoes into a 6x10 rectangle, so I’ve made my own listing, here. It starts with the line


which represents the packing

The above packing

I wrote a little C program to find all the labelings of these 2339 graphs satisfying the sum-to-a-prime criterion. There are a lot of them! For the packing above, there are 12,347,672 possible labelings. This is the lexicographically first of them:

A sample 01234-coloring

When we consider not just this one packing but also the other 2338 possible packings, we find that the total number of viable labelings satisfying the sum-to-a-prime criterion is truly astronomical: 20,116,548,805. Here’s the number of labelings found by my computer search (up to rotation and reflection — we ensure the F pentomino isn’t flipped and occupies the left side of the rectangle) where the upper right corner is occupied by:

F 585401512 U 2503719527
I 3674641616 V 2290775642
L 2471381448 W 559212338
N 1182035984 X
P 2405917776 Y 1320223809
T 2419068152 Z 704171001

There are other labeling criteria we could investigate. Many possible criteria are simply unsolvable, just like the 12345-coloring criterion we started with:

Label with 1,2,3,4,5 such that adjacent cells belonging to different pentominoes always sum to k mod n. (No solutions; consider the X tile.)

Label with 1,2,3,4,5 such that adjacent cells belonging to different pentominoes always differ by at least 3. (No solutions; consider the X tile.)

Label with 1,2,3,4,5 such that adjacent cells belonging to different pentominoes always multiply to at least 6. (No solutions; consider the F tile’s 1-cell.)

But some are even more “interesting” (in the sense of having fewer solutions) than the 01234-coloring criterion. For example:

Label with 1,2,3,4,5 such that adjacent cells belonging to different pentominoes always differ by at most 1. There are 1,059,492,120 labelings that satisfy this criterion. 517 of the 2339 possible packings have no viable labeling at all. The packing with the fewest viable labelings (at 64) is:

A viable packing for the "differ-by-at-most-1" criterion

Label with 1,2,3,4,5 such that adjacent cells belonging to different pentominoes always differ by at least 2. There are 101,275,328 labelings that satisfy this criterion. 91 of the 2339 possible packings have no viable labeling at all. The packing with the fewest viable labelings (at 48) is:

A viable packing for the "differ-by-at-least-2" criterion

Label with 0,1,2,3,4 such that adjacent cells belonging to different pentominoes always sum to a power of two. (0 is not a power of two.) There are only 240 labelings that satisfy this criterion. 2331 of the 2339 possible packings have no viable labeling at all. Here’s a representative labeling from each viable packing:

The viable packings for the sum-to-a-power-of-two criterion

In fact, we can completely abstract the criterion-construction part: Label with \(a_1, a_2, a_3, a_4, a_5\) such that the labels \((a_i, a_j)\) of adjacent cells belonging to different pentominoes satisfy \(R(a_i, a_j)\), for a given symmetric relation \(R\). There are only 544 possible values for \(R\) (that’s OEIS A000666), so we could just run through them and see if any of them produce a thrilling puzzle.

Here’s Python code to generate those 544 relations. But to exhaustively explore all 544 puzzles corresponding to those 544 relations, you’ll need a smarter algorithm and/or a faster computer than I’ve got!

Looking at these pictures, it strikes me that the “right” presentation for this kind of puzzle would be to give the pentominoes cut free of the grid, with their cells still labeled; then the puzzle-solver’s task would be to fit them back into the grid such that the criterion was satisfied.

A disassembled puzzle

Can you fit these pentominoes back into a 6x10 grid such that adjacent cells belonging to different pentominoes always differ by at least 2? (Some pieces must be rotated, none reflected.)

Now, a really clever puzzle-constructor would present a single set of pieces that could be put back together in two different ways — one way satisfying the “at least 2” criterion and another way satisfying the “at most 1” criterion. I’m afraid I don’t have nearly that much patience.

Posted 2024-01-15